I have a similar situation and I solved it with limiters.  I'm also a fan of 
limiters to ensure fair sharing of uplink bandwidth by internal users.  I 
haven't tried changing system tunables though, so that solution may be better.

Nothing is sent through the limiter until you create a rule that catches the 
traffic and routes it through the limiter, so you're not going to accidentally 
slow everything down just by creating a rule.

The behavior you're speaking of sounds like your machine is getting maxed out 
by interrupts or some internal bandwidth.  Setting up a limiter sounds like a 
better solution than pushing the hardware to the point of unrefined behavior.


> On 2017, Oct 4, at 4:08 AM, Christoph Haas <em...@christoph-haas.de> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have become a huge fan of pfSense and managed to replace our old
> routers at work by two nifty Netgate SG-4860 gateways. They work nearly
> perfectly. I just have a few seperate internal VLANs (e.g. for
> administration, monitoring and backup) that give me a headache. Every
> day at the same time(s) there are spikes in traffic (I can see in the
> dashboard) between two VLANs. Traffic goes up to pretty much 800 Mbps
> for 1-2 minutes.
> During that time our monitoring system goes wild. High latencies and
> even ping losses. CPU load of the router is shown at around 50%. Once
> the traffic goes below 800 Mbps all is instantly fine again.
> I tried to simplify the firewall rules (e.g. let through all the
> traffic) but that did not help. Is there anything I can do? Any hidden
> switches? Anything to find and fix the situation? Traffic shaping for
> ICMP? Unicorn dust?
> Thanks in advance for your hints.
> …Christoph
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