@@ -2306,6 +2345,11 @@ bool DWARFASTParserClang::CompleteTypeFromDWARF(const 
   if (!die)
     return false;
+  ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes attrs(die);
labath wrote:

> > How exactly do we get here in that case?
> From [#90663 
> (comment)](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/90663#issuecomment-2105194128),
>  .debug_names somehow contains entries that are declarations. This causes 
> `SymbolFileDWARF::FindDefinitionTypeForDWARFDeclContext` to return a type 
> created from declaration when searching for definition.

I've re-read that. The debug names situation is troubling, but the thing I 
don't understand now why is this even specific to debug_names. After this 
patch, it should be fairly easy to trigger a situation where we're asked to 
complete a type, and we don't have the definition of that type. Why don't those 
cases lead to a crash? For example, what would happen if the name was simply 
not in the index?

If I ignored this entire discussion, I would say that this check makes perfect 
sense: since we're delaying the search for the definition, it can happen that 
the we don't have the definition die at the point when we're asked to complete 
the type. So it seems perfectly reasonable to have this check _somewhere_. I 
just want to check whether this is the right place.

> A simple idea I have in mind is to make the 
> `GetForwardDeclCompilerTypeToDIE`'s value type to a pair `{DIERef, bool}`, 
> and the bool indicate if this is a definition or not. So we know that info 
> without extra attribute parsing. How do you think?

Given that this extra bool is going to cause us to use eight more bytes per 
type, this doesn't necessarily seem like. This would use more memory, the 
previous implementation would use more time. Hard to say which one is better 
without some very precise measurements. Choosing blindly, I would stick with 
the current implementation, as it's easier to optimize the cpu time than it is 
to reclaim that memory (the real problem here is that 
`ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes` was optimized for the use case where one is going 
to use most of the attributes it has parsed (which is what happens in 
ParseTypeFromDWARF). Using it to essentially just check for the presence of 
DW_AT_declaration is wasteful, and you could write a much faster implementation 
if you were writing it for this use case specifically (but it's also not clear 
whether it's worthwhile to have a brand new implementation for this use case).

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