martin f krafft <> writes:
> also sprach Dmitry Semyonov <> [2009.02.23.1050 +0100]:

>> As I understand, the rationale for not fixing the bug is "we don't have
>> the time to add and update rules for everything". But since Lenny
>> release, rsyslog no longer falls into the "everything" category. It is
>> now the default system logger, recommended to be used on every Debian
>> machine which does not have any specific syslog requirements not met by
>> rsyslog. So, you can imagine how much time will be wasted by Debian
>> users on the whole to manually disable these daily notifications just
>> because you don't want to make an exception for "the policy". (On the
>> other hand, I understand that it's too late already.)

> Why does rsyslog generate a log message every day?

Probably for the same reason that syslogd reports a log message every day,
which logcheck is already filtering.  :)

windlord:/root# cat /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.paranoid/sysklogd 
^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ syslogd [.0-9#]+: restart\.$

(I certainly agree with encouraging people to join the team and help out
by adding rules.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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