On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:58:47AM +0100, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> Hi!
> I have started using logcheck a few days ago, and noticed that the team
> seems to be in need of volunteers. So, here I am, somebody has already
> approved my membership, and now I would like to start helping, specially
> with updating rules, as that was what triggered me to see how to help.
> Is there some workflow defined? Or should I just start grabbing bugs and
> committing to git?

Hi there!

I also joined recently and hope to be of use to the project. Any hints
on how to collaborate would be appreciated.

Waiting for my SSH key to work with git.debian.org,


Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta    | Formación, consultoría y soporte técnico
mailto/sip: a...@inittab.org | en GNU/Linux y software libre
Encrypted mail preferred    | http://inittab.com

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