This is not easy to do efficiently.  The efficiency of the search code
depends on not constructing Document objects for every match.  Thus it is
hard to efficiently perform calculations which require field values.

Things are easy if you need date order, and you have added documents in date
order.  In this case you can use the document number passed to the hit
collector, since document numbers increase linearly as documents are added
to an index.  Hits are in fact passed to the hit collector in
document-number order, so you don't even have to sort.

But if you need another ordering, besides by-score or by-addition-time, you
will have to do more work.  The most efficient approach is to construct an
array mapping document numbers to the value you wish to sort by.  Then use
this array in your hit collector.  The array can be re-used by many queries,
but must be re-constructed when documents are added or removed from the

Such an array can be constructed with a TermEnum() and TermDocs(), as
illustrated in some pseudo code I sent out earlier today.

Note that, in a hit collector, it is more efficient to maintain a set of the
top-N hits rather than collecting all hits, sorting, and then taking the
top-N. illustrates how this should be done when
sorting by score.

Probably this should be generalized into a HitsByField class:

  public class HitsByField {
    private String[] fieldValues;
    private Searcher searcher;

    public HitsByField(String field, IndexReader reader) {
      ... construct fieldValues array per previous message ...
      searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
    private class ByFieldCollector implements HitCollector {
      String minValue = "";
      TreeMap topHits = new TreeMap();
      int maxHits;
      int totalHits;
      public ByFieldCollector(int maxHits) { this.maxHits = maxHits; }
      public collect(int doc, float score) {
        String value = fieldValues[doc];
        if (minValue.compareTo(value) < 0) {
          topHits.put(value, new Integer(doc));
          if (topHits.size() > maxHits) {
            minValue = (String)topHits.firstKey();
      public int getHits(Document[] hits) {
         ... put topHits in hits, using searcher.doc() ... 
        return totalHits;

    /** Returns the total number of hits.  Stores top hits in hits. */
    public int search(Query query, Document[] hits) {
      ByFieldCollector collector = new ByFieldCollector(hits.length);, collector);
      return collector.getHits(hits);

I leave it as an excercise for someone to fill in the blanks and post a
complete, debugged version of this.  If it's useful, we can add it to


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Kunkle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 2:01 PM
> Subject: Sorting Options for Query Results
> Hello.  Does anyone know of a way to sort search results other than by
> score?  It seems like it would be very useful to be able to 
> sort by date or
> maybe even by any field that has been indexed (which I guess 
> would include a
> date).  From what I can tell, Lucene does not provide any way 
> to do this
> beyond writing your own HitCollector.  Is this correct?  If 
> so, has anyone
> had any luck implementing alternate sorting methods?  I have 
> just started
> experimenting with Lucene so any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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