
Alguien tiene idea que pasa que no sale el kernel linux 2.8? por otro
lado leo esto... (no pude verificar la veracidad de los dichos)...

Torvalds confirms there will be no Linux kernel 3.0

When questioned further, specifically about when we can expect to see
the version 3.0 kernel, Torvalds states quite categorically that "we
really don't expect to need to go to a 3.0.x version at all." This isn't
the first time that Torvalds has questioned the need for a version 3.0,
an email from September 2002 published at Kerneltrap  says pretty much
the same thing. In a reply to Jeff Garzik questioning him about a
confirmation of the 2.6 numbering, Torvalds responds "I see no real
reason to call it 3.0" and adds "but hey, it's just a number." But it
would seem to be a final nail in the coffin of the kernel 3.0 dream, at
least for the time being. After all, point increments can only go on for
so long and when we hit there may well be a renewed call for
a rethink…


Será que google-crom pegará fuerte con nuevo kernel? dejaremos de llamar
  GNU/Linux por GNU/Crome?? o el kernel de freeBSD se impndrá?

Alguna explicación?? o hipótesis?
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