Hello lwIP users,

questions are about tcpecho_raw example in contrib-2.1.0. The example is chosen as an entry point for testing / developing a simple TCP-based protocol on a bare-metal microcontroller system.

1. The "enum tcpecho_raw_states" contains states ES_ACCEPTED and ES_RECEIVED, which seem to be identical to me. Is there any difference in those states other than distinguishing between a client which _did_ sent data at least once and a client which never did?

2. If the client closes the connection to the server, "struct tcpecho_raw_state.state" switches to ES_CLOSING to allow sending more yet unset data to the client. After all data has been sent out to the client, the server finally closes the connection. What's the benefit of this behaviour? Is it special for this example or is it  a common "best-practice" in TCP?

3. The example looks sort of WIP. For example, "struct tcpecho_raw_state.retries" is never used. Is there a more complete example out there?

Best regards,

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