Am 28.05.2021 um 08:58 schrieb vysocan [via lwIP]:
Hello all,

I'm having a small STM32F4 application running on devel branch of lwip, It includes httpd, sntp, smtp client, and mqtt client. All is running well until the fifth day, when mqtt client starts to receive pbuf=NULL and disconnects. My reconnect routine reconnects it in some short time, but it receives pbuf=NULL shortly after.

Also later on I noticed in log: memp_malloc: out of memory in pool TCP_PCB. I'm having defined MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB as 30 and it seems enough for normal operation, I also upped it to 50, but ended with the same problem In statistics the NUM_TCP_PCB increases and decreases as it should, but after uptime past 5 days it stays high with an error flag triggered.

Quite interestingly it happens exactly after 2^32 milliseconds uptime. I tried to keep OpenOCD connected to start to peek in, but yet I did not manage to keep the openOCD running for so long without dropping the connection.

Does anyone have any ideas please?

Thanks in advance,
Adam Baron

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Hello Adam,

isn't 2^32 milliseconds actually ~50 days uptime?

Best regards,


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