On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Michael H. Warfield <m...@wittsend.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-01-30 at 14:20 +0100, Dominik Schulz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm fairly new to LXC and I am looking for a way to execute a command inside 
>> a
>> running container (a full blow one with its own rootfs and full isolation).
>> lxc-execute doesn't seem to do the trick and lxc-console requires credential
>> to login. I'm looking for a way to execute command w/o having to login via 
>> ssh
>> or the lxc-console, so I can execute command directly inside the containers 
>> to
>> shut them down properly.
> This is being worked on and looked at now through the use of some sort
> of daemon in the running container but is not currently possible.  More
> over, cgroups in the kernel does not currently support joining an active
> cgroup, and may never support it, so it would have to be done through
> the mediation of some sort of daemon in the running container and
> communicating with the host.  There's been discussion on the -devel list
> over the optimal way to do it and there are some patches running around
> but AFAICT nothing has really been committed or committed to at this
> time.

if your using the standard init program, and you are only trying to
control stutdown/reboot, i use something like this in my container

p6::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/init 6
p0::powerfail:/sbin/init 0

ctrlaltdel responds to a SIGINT, and powerfail responds to SIGPWR.
this lets you send a:

kill -INT <init pid>

to reboot, and:

kill -PWR <init pid>

to shutdown.  you will also need the help of a "monitor" process to
overcome the fact that the init process will hang around, even though
all other processes in the container are dead.  an earlier thread
detailed a nice trick using inotifywait and the utmp file in the
container, see this thread for ideas:


specifically this post on:


you basically monitor the utmp file in the container for a change,
then run "runlevel <utmp file>" to get the runlevel in the container,
and act appropriately.  here is an excerpt from my scripts (originally
based off one provided in the previous thread), it has variables
specific to my setup but it's fairly self explanatory:

while true; do
        # time of 5 minutes on it JUST IN CASE...
        inotifywait -qqt 300 ${vps_utmp}
        if [ $(wc -l < ${VPS_VAR}/cgroup/${vps}/tasks) -eq 1 ]; then

            runlevel="$(runlevel ${vps_utmp})"

            case $runlevel in
                # nothing for new boot state
                # halted...  kill vps.
                lxc-stop -n "${vps}"
                # rebooting...  kill vps and start again...
                lxc-stop -n ${vps}
                lxc-wait -n ${vps} -s STOPPED
                lxc-start -d -n ${vps} -o ${VPS_LOG}/${vps}.log
                # loop again.
                # make sure vps is still running
                state="$(lxc-info -n "${vps}" | sed -e 's/.* is //')"
                [ "$state" = "RUNNING" ] || break

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