
I wrote a template and conversion scripts for importing Inkscape SVG graphics as PDFTEX or PSTEX as external material in LyX. It works analog to the FIG template and its scripts. You will need Inkscape 0.48. It can save the SVG image as a PDF or EPS file and place the text in a LaTeX file for typesetting by pdflatex or latex itself. For more information see
  http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/svg-inkscape/ .

1. Copy external_templates from the LyX system directory to your Lyx user directory. And insert the SVG template there. 2. Copy the .py scripts to your scripts directory in your LyX user directory. 3. Start LyX and go to settings > file handling. Check if you have the format SVG.
    If not, creat it:
     activate  vector format
     short title: svg
     file extenstion: svg
     edit with: inkscape
     view with: inkview
4. Create the converters:
    SVG -> PDFTEX:
      converter: python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pdftex.py $$i $$o
    SVG -> PSTEX
      python -tt $$s/scripts/svg2pstex.py $$i $$o

It was tested for LyX 1.6.9. I don't know the exact englisch menu names, because I use the German version.

Template SVG
        GuiName "SVG: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
                An SVG figure.
        InputFormat svg
        FileFilter "*.{svg,svgz}"
        AutomaticProduction true
        Transform Rotate
        Transform Resize
        Preview InstantPreview
        Format LaTeX
                TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
                TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
                UpdateFormat pstex
                UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pstex_t"
                Requirement "color"
                Requirement "graphicx"
                # Preamble WarnNotFound
                # Preamble InputOrWarn
                ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pstex_t"
                ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
                ReferencedFile dvi   "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
        Format PDFLaTeX
                TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
                TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
                UpdateFormat pdftex
                UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdftex_t"
                Requirement "color"
                Requirement "graphicx"
                # Preamble WarnNotFound
                # Preamble InputOrWarn
                ReferencedFile pdflatex 
                ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf"
        Format Ascii
                Product "[SVG: $$FName]"
        Format DocBook
                Product "<graphic 
                UpdateFormat eps
                UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
                ReferencedFile docbook     "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
                ReferencedFile docbook-xml "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# file svg2pdftex.py
# This script converts an SVG image to something that pdflatex can process
# into high quality PDF.

# Usage:
#   python svg2pdftex.py ${base}.fig ${base}.pdft
# This command generates
#   ${base}.pdf  the converted pdf file
#   ${base}.pdft a tex file that can be included in your latex document
#       using '\input{${base}.pdft}'
# Note:
#   Do not use this command as
#     python fig2pdftex.py file.fig file.pdf
#   the real pdf file will be overwritten by a tex file named file.pdf.

import os, sys, re

def runCommand(cmd):
    ''' Utility function:
        run a command, quit if fails
    if os.system(cmd) != 0:
        print "Command '%s' fails." % cmd

# We expect two args, the names of the input and output files.
if len(sys.argv) != 3:

input, output = sys.argv[1:]

# Fail silently if the file doesn't exist
if not os.path.isfile(input):

# Strip the extension from ${output}
outbase = os.path.splitext(output)[0]

# Inkscape 0.48 can output the image as a PDF file ${base}.pdf and place the text 
# in a LaTeX file ${base}.pdf_tex, which is renamed to ${output}, for typesetting 
# by pdflatex itself. 
runCommand('inkscape --file=%s --export-pdf=%s.pdf --export-latex' % (input, outbase))
os.rename('%s.pdf_tex' % outbase, output)

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# file svg2pstex.py
# This script converts an SVG image to something that latex can process
# into high quality PostScript.

# Usage:
#   python svg2pstex.py ${base}.fig ${base}.pstex
# This command generates
#   ${base}.eps    the converted eps file
#   ${base}.pstex  a tex file that can be included in your latex document
#       using '\input{${output}}'.
# Note:
#   Do not use this command as
#     python svg2pstex.py file.fig file.eps
#   the real eps file will be overwritten by a tex file named file.eps.

import os, sys

def runCommand(cmd):
    ''' Utility function:
        run a command, quit if fails
    if os.system(cmd) != 0:
        print "Command '%s' fails." % cmd

# We expect two args, the names of the input and output files.
if len(sys.argv) != 3:

input, output = sys.argv[1:]

# Fail silently if the file doesn't exist
if not os.path.isfile(input):

# Strip the extension from ${output}
outbase = os.path.splitext(output)[0]

# Inkscape 0.48 can output the image as a EPS file ${base}.pdf and place the text 
# in a LaTeX file ${base}.eps_tex, which is renamed to ${output}, for typesetting 
# by latex itself. 
runCommand('inkscape --file=%s --export-eps=%s.eps --export-latex' % (input, outbase))
os.rename('%s.eps_tex' % outbase, output)

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