
I'm using LyX now for half a year or so and I was initially
confused by the menu entries.
I now realize that part of the confusion was the arrangement
of the entries and that some entries appear twice in the menus.

I therefore would like to give a few comments to the layout of
the menus as it is in 1.1.6CVS. My intentions are (1) to remove the
double entries and (2) to group a few entries in a more logical
arrangement (a draft of a new layout is at the bottom of this mail).

I haven't spend time on digging into the code for a rewrite
of the menus; I could do that if this email doesn't generate
lots of flames.....

Here we go:

*) "Goto" actions are spread over several menu entries:
        Edit->Goto error
        Edit->Goto note
        Refs->Goto Reference->...
        TOC->List of figures->...
        TOC->List of Tables->...
        (why "TOC->List of algorithms->..." is absent?)
   I suggest: remove the Goto entries in the Edit menu and remove
   the "TOC" and "Refs" entries all together; merge them all in one
   "Goto" entry in the main menu. A "Goto->Go back" should then be
   applicable to all goto-actions listed here.

   "Refs" has now also insert-entries, but you don't need them here
   because they are *already* covered by "Insert->Cross Reference".
   That's also the place where you expect them to be!

*) Table Of Contents (and the related LOF, LOT, LOA) in Edit:
            Edit->Table of contents...
            Edit->List of tables...
            Edit->List of figures...
            Edit->List of algorithms...
   "Edit" is the wrong place; you're only *viewing* the
   TOC/LOT/LOF/LOA, not editing it! Where else could it then go?
   Possibly under a new "View" entry in the main menu, together with
   "View LaTeX log file" and maybe some others (view dvi & view ps).

*) Table insert appears twice in the menus:
          Edit->Table->Insert Table
    The first one should go to keep things simple and logical!

What do you think?



The possible new layout of the menus:

File-> (unchanged, only move the "view/update dvi" and
        "view/update postscript" to the new "View" entry).

      Find & Replace
      Floats & Insets
      Spell checker
      Check TeX
      Version control
      Paste Primary selection as text
      Paste Primary selection as paragraphs

      Table Of Contents->...
      List Of Figures->...
      List Of Tables->...
      List Of Algorithms->...
      Go Back

      Update dvi
      Update Postscript
      LaTeX log file
      Table Of Contents->...
      List Of Figures->...
      List Of Tables->...
      List Of Algorithms->...

Layout-> (unchanged)
Insert-> (unchanged)
Math-> (unchanged)
Options-> (unchanged)
Documents-> (unchanged)

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