Bennett Helm wrote:
On Feb 8, 2008, at 5:44 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Bennett, try whether "ui-toggle fullscreen" hide the global menu by chance...


It does work, and the menubar nicely appears automatically when the mouse goes to the top of the screen. Nice work!

I that intentional Pavel? If yes, I am impressed :-)

There are a couple glitches I discovered in a few minutes of testing. First, ui-toggle fullscreen does not work unless a document is open. (Is that intentional?)

Second, Document > Outline does not work after fullscreen mode has been invoked, even after returning to normal windowed mode. (The menu item successfully toggles as indicated by the checkmark, but no outline appears.) I suspect this has something to do with the fact that the the outline on Mac is a drawer rather than a docked widget. In other programs that allow fullscreen mode, drawers open from the side of the screen inwards in full screen mode, rather than the edge of the window outwards (as in windowed mode).

The solution is to disable the drawer option passed to our DockView based classes when switching to fullscreen mode. I am sure Stefan could implement and test that, couldn't you Stefan? ;-)

A final question/request (which may go beyond what you want to do, so feel free to ignore it): especially with widescreen monitors (standard on Macs), fullscreen mode as currently implemented results in unreadably long lines. Would it be possible to define line length (or % of screen width) to use? -- The idea, as some users have requested, would be to have "distraction free writing" -- something like WriteRoom.

I think an adjustment of the zoom and/or dpi settings while in fullscreen should do the trick.


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