2009/6/16 Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org>:
> Noyte that John provided his script and that we could put it in shape for
> inclusion in our distribution.

I have created a version that actually has documentation:


> btw John if you are getting those crashes through the script would it be 
> possible
> to log keys which lead to the crash and thus giving us some clue howto 
> reproduce?

Yes. I logged 6.1MB of keystrokes. I'm adding in timestamps so we can
compare time of crash with the time of crash. It may be better to
restart LyX each time, but I won't know till I start writing something
to try to reproduce the failures.

> if its too much keys, it maybe possible to automatize searching for subset of 
> keys
> interval which leads to the crash...

Yes even given that many of these crashes may be intermittent, it
sounds feasible to develop some sort of evolutionary algorithm. We
don't even need to create new genes, just discard.

At the moment I reproduce some errors just by running run the script
again, although this doesn't help us understand what caused the error.
Below is the frequency of each crash. As we can see, at least three
are reproducible this way.

135      lyx::frontend::GuiCommandBuffer::down (#6001)
24       lyx::frontend::GuiView::closeEvent  (#5998)
2        lyx::Buffer::fileName (#6000)
1        lyx::LyXFunc::dispatch
1        lyx::getStatus
1        lyx::frontend::GuiView::event
1        lyx::DocIterator::paragraph
1        lyx::Buffer::save
1       lyx::frontend::Alert::warning (no bug yet)

John C. McCabe-Dansted

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