Le 06/10/2010 20:26, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
The default should be "-" for French documents (your patch) but it
must be possible to select another item bullet using the document
settings (my patch).

Of course. The fact that it is not possible now is that the test for
ommitting the redefinition is flawed. Besides using gettext, one can
imagine to add this information to the language file. If we do that, we
should probably change the format of this file to something that looksq
like layout files, though.

Should I revert my patch for now and you put it again in with your

I think there is no need for your patch once we check properly for
default values. So, yes, I think you should revert for now.

Besides this, I'm wondering that the French babel sets "-" as item
bullet for all item levels. If this is the official French rule or is
it at least allowed to use another character for the sublevels?

I think it is the default french rule, especially because I trust the
frenchb.ldf author much more than myself on this.


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