While translating, I came a cross an infinite loop bug in the advanced search. To reproduce:

1. Enter some text, such as "a text text text a text"
2. Use advanced search and replace. Specifically, replace the
   letter "a" with this math construct:


3. Click "replace all", notice that both a's is replaced
4. when the search reaches the end, answer "yes" to the
   question about wrapping around.
5. Watch LyX explode with infinite fractions, as the "a" in the
   denominator gets replaced with a new fraction before the
   search recurse into the freshly inserted fraction.

Suggestion for a fix:

After replacing, move the starting point for continued searching to
_after_ the replaced text. That avoids an infinite loop when the replacement text happens to contain the item being searched for.

Helge Hafting

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