To reproduce,

1. Open examples/he/splash.lyx
2. In Document > Settings > Fonts, check the box "Use non-TeX fonts"
and change the three fonts to FreeSans (or any other font that
supports Hebrew).
3. Click OK.
4. Try to export with XeTeX. It fails.
5. Now go to Document > Settings > Document Class and change "Hebrew
Article" to "Article (Standard Class)".
6. XeTeX export compiles fine for me.

The heb-article layout adds the following to the preamble:


XeTeX gives the following error:
! Undefined control sequence.

\@begindocumenthook ...aybe_setup_maths: \make@lr

Are the \newtheorem command (this is the only place in layout files I
see the \R command) and the \AtBeginDocument command correctly
written? Is a protect missing?

Note that the Hebrew splash compiles fine for me with pdfTeX (although
to reproduce you would need to install some fonts probably).


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