On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 12:07:59PM +0100, Rachel Greenham wrote:

> So with PDF, it's bullet points, figures, well-rendered text - choose two,
> you can't have all three. Gah!

Not really. The following FAQ explain how to insert figures with pdflatex.
It also explain how to use outline fonts (the suggested way is perhaps better
than using the pslatex package).

                            PDF mini-FAQ

1. How to create a PDF file from a LyX file ?

There are two main ways:
 a) Export the file to Postscript and then use a ps->pdf converter
 (e.g. ps2pdf, or Adobe Distiller). If you use ps2pdf, you should use
 ghostscript version >= 6.0, as earlier versions don't handle outline fonts
 b) Export the file to latex, and then run pdflatex on it several times
 (you may also need to run bibtex/mkindex).

2. Why the text looks really bad when I view it with Acrobat Reader?

The problem is that bitmap fonts are displayed poorly by Acrobat Reader.
When creating a PDF from the LyX file, you need to use outline font instead of
the default bitmap fonts (in fact, you should also use outline fonts for
Postscript files). Recent LaTeX distributions come with Postscript Type 1 
version of the standard (Computer Modern) fonts. pdflatex uses these font by 
default. Dvips doesn't use these fonts by default, so to make it use them, 
add the following to lines to ~/.dvipsrc
 p+ psfonts.cmz
 p+ psfonts.amz
If the default font encoding is used, nothing else need to be done.
However, if the T1 font encoding is used, then LaTeX uses the newer EC
fonts, for which there are no Type1 version. The solution is to use the ae
package which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. This is
done by adding "\usepackage{ae,aecompl}" to the preamble of the LyX file.

Note: LyX uses by default the T1 font encoding. If you wish to change that,
add the line "\font_encoding default" to the ~/.lyx/lyxrc file.

An alternative option, is to use the 'standard' Postscript fonts instead of
the Computer Modern fonts. To do that, you need to add "\usepackage{pslatex}"
to the preamble of the file (in LyX 1.1.5 you can just select pslatex as the
global font in the document layout popup).
However, there are several problems with this method, so the previous method is

3. How can I use pdflatex on a file with (eps) figures ?

pdflatex doesn't support inclusion of eps files. However, it does support
inclusion of pdf file. So if you have a LyX files that includes an eps figure,
say foo.eps, you need to do the following:
 a) Convert foo.eps to pdf by 'epstopdf foo.eps'
 b) In the latex file, you need to change the command that inserts the figure:
 search for the "\includegraphics{foo.eps}" command, and change it to
 "\includegraphics{foo.pdf}". An even better alternative, is to use
 "\includegraphics{foo}" which will work with both latex and pdflatex.
 Note: LyX 1.1.6 will probably use the latter form of the \includegraphics
 command, which will save you the effort of changing the latex file.

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