On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 12:26:09AM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> I am a Czech. And we have a problem in the Czech typography --
> one letter prepositions. According to the Czech typographical rules,
> one-letter preposition cannot be the last word on a line. Therefore,
> some Czechs prepared program vlnka (see
> http://math.feld.cvut.cz/olsak/Welcome.html for further reference),
> which replaces space after one-letter preposition by tilde (~). How
> to include such preprocessor to work in the LyX-driven process of
> {dvi,ps}-generation?
Create a script called (for example) mylatex
set f = $1:r
vlnka < $f.tex >! $f_tmp.tex
latex $f_tmp
cat $f_tmp.log >! $f.log
cat $f_tmp.aux >! $f.aux
cat $f_tmp.dvi >! $f.dvi
and add the following line to ~/.lyx/lyxrc
\latex_command mylatex