John Culleton wrote:
> Kate Evans-Jones wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I want to include program code into my document as a program float.
> > However, the code is more than 1 page long and does not break across the
> > pages. I am using the code below to include them into a program float:
> >
> > \usepackage{float, times, verbatim, moreverb}
> >
> > \floatstyle{ruled}
> > \newfloat{Program} {htp}{lop}[chapter]
> > \newcommand{\Code}[3] {\begin{Program} %
> > \small \verbatiminputinput[1]{1}{#1} %
> > \caption{#2} \normalsize \label{#3} %
> >  \end{Program}}
> > 
> Simplest solution: Complete the document in Lyx and export LaTeX code.
> Insert these few statements in the output using a simple text editor
> (VI, Notepad, whatever.) Then process as a regular LaTeX file. (latex
> foo.tex; dvips foo.dvi; print or view If you can deal with your
> document completely within Lyx that is of course desirable, but when
> that proves difficult there are other paths that combine Lyx and other
> facilities already on your system.

a better way is using new package listing. you are able to write
program-code over more than 1 page, captions, frames, line-numbering,
and so on.

it's available at ctan.

as an example for my java-listings:
in latex preamble:

\usepackage[breaklines]{listings}% the package listings
\renewcommand\lstlistingname{Algorithmus}% caption-title
\renewcommand\lstlistlistingname{Algorithmenverzeichnis}% list of
listings title
\renewcommand\thelstlisting{\thesection .\arabic{lstlisting}}%
%\renewcommand\thelstlisting{\textbf{\thechapter .\arabic{lstlisting}}}

in text:

\lst{}{My first Javaprogram}% filename and caption-title

with \ref{} a cross-reference is possible, because every
listing has a label. \lstlistoflistings gives a table of the



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