        First of all, my apologies if this e-mail starts running amok
around the lists server as I have had some problems subscribing. I would
appreciate any replies to be CCd to me in case the subscription was not

        Enough ranting. I have to do a poster, and I want to include a
couple of papers I have written in lyx in the past, so as to avoid
re-doing the whole thing again. I have found a latex poster package with
a poster example on the web. This looks _very sexy_, and I thought I
might want to use the example document, import it into lyx (it's a tex
file), and then copy & paste my own stuff. I have tried to relyx it, but
relyx gives the following error:

reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 1999/09/27
Reading LaTeX command syntax 
(example.tex: Splitting Preamble
Creating LyX preamble
Cannot find layout file aastexposter.layout in dir(s) /home/jgomez/.lyx/layouts 
/usr/X11R6/share/lyx/layouts at /usr/X11R6/share/lyx/reLyX/ReadCommands.pm line 267, 
<PREAMBLE> chunk 71.
Exited due to fatal Error!

which is logical, as there's no lyx class supporting posters (am I
right? Please say no! :D). I'm at a bit of a loss here, and I don't
quite know how to continue. I might try to adjust the latex file on the
fly... In short, I haven't got a clue on what to do.

        Has anyone have any success in doing posters with lyx? The
package I want to use does exactly what I want (no, I don't want to
stick all the foiltex printouts together!), and I found it in

                Thanks for any help, (and CC or any replies, as said
above, greatly appreciated!!)

José L Gómez Dans                       PhD student
                                        Radar & Communications Group
                                        Department of Electronic Engineering
                                        University of Sheffield UK

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