Hello everyone,

your mails are still in my Inbox. I have all read them, but was to busy
to take any action so far.
I have heard something about a different approach of the LyX developers
on PDF export in 1.1.6 or 1.2. Does anyone know what the plans are?

The URL I have given in the past has problems sometimes, use the
following one instead:

What are the future plans with lyx2pdf:

1. make lyx2pdf work with included documents

2. Use options and an RC file for parameter section (like in my skript
mkkrl: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~tron/scripts/mkkrl )

3. make it possible to call lyx2pdf from LyX directly

4. clean up the code; use more functions (bibtex handling, image
handling, etc. as functions)

5. Clean up script output

6. When there is enough interest in lyx2pdf: Make lyx2pdf an offical
part of LyX or an independent project on Sourceforge or something.  So,
we have mailing lists, etc.

I am thankful with anyone who wants to help me somehow. Patches (even
bad ones) are preffered. Information is welcome as well.

I think, I will have the time to reply properly next weekend.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your feedback!

Bye, Steffen 

Steffen Evers 

Carpe diem!

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