Christopher wrote:
> Ok, everyone, bear with me.
> I need to make a directory of phone numbers. Here's how I want to do it:
> 8.5X11 sheets folded into one another (so I will be printing landscape).
> So the sheets will be printed as follows:
> Sheet1(inside) pages 1 and 10
> Sheet2(outside) pages 2 and 9
> Sheet2(inside) pages 3 and 6
> Sheet3(outside) pages 4 and 7
> Sheet3(inside) pages 5 and 6
Print the document on full pages, using standard left-right headers
(i.e., twoside format). Then use pstops to reformat it.
I only have the settings here for A4 layout, but that should be easy to
pstops "4:-3L@.7(21cm,0)+0L@.7(21cm,14.85cm),-2R@.7(0,14.85cm)+1R@.7(0,29.7cm)"
> The headers have me especially vexed, since it is not so easy as
> making an even/odd division-- its more like an every other even/every
> other odd division.
Why not? I can't understand the problems.....
Peter "Pit" Suetterlin
Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
Tel.: +49 551 39-5048 [EMAIL PROTECTED]