
As some of you might know, documentation is not the highest priority in many
software projects. My new workplace is no exception. I therefore want to try and
set a standard here for how documentation is supposed to be done.

We use WinNT, and I'm therefore using LyX for Win32 (1.1.5fix2). I have
an initial question about this environment: If I want to introduce LyX to these
people, it is important that I can get it running with a, preferably, free X-Server,
or at least a low cost one. Could anyone recommend one? I am personaly using
ReflectionX from WRQ, and I'm _very_ happy with it, but it costs too much.

But my real question what type of document to use? 

I have written one user's manual using the Book class. These seem to work
well, but I would like som input from others who have uses LyX or LaTeX to
document software. 

I need both to document the code and write manuals for the users. We need
conversion to PDF (no problem) and to PS for printing (also no problem). We also
require conversion to HTML to be able to publish our documentation on our 
Intranett (this place has over 7000 employees, and some of our systems has
about 2000 users). I am now in the process of trying to install ans use 
LaTeX2HTML, which I hope will do the trick.

If possible, conversion to "help" formats would be great. Does anyone know of
a LaTeX to WinHelp or HTML Help converter? If I get LaTeX2HTML to work,
we could possibly assemble the HTML Help files ourselves, but it would be
great to get them ready made.

Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.

- IT

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