Dne So, 18 lis 2000 Herbert Voss ve zprave Re: outside paragraph napsal(a):

> you can try something like this "some\-times". often
> latex doesn't find a hyphenation for a word. \- must
> be in tex (red) or choose 
> layout->special character->hyphen

I am afraid that this is too simplified answer. :-)

The issue (not problem, it is The Right Thing) is that TeX is
not created for casual use by such animals as lawyers (I am the
one :-). The intent of Donald Knuth was (quoting him) to spread
a tool for people "to go forth and create masterpieces of the
publishing art". Masterpieces -- not something casual.
Everything was targeted to this very intent (which is the reason
why so many best typographers use TeX) and everything other was
sacrificed (not everything but a lot). Unfortunately (or
fortunately), TeX is now used by everybody, not only folks who
need it for the masterpieces, even by people who really do not
care for typography and beauty. But it's different story about
ugliness in our life.

Because of the intent, there are some limits in TeX which does
not allow it to create things which are ugly. One of the most
ugly things possible
is too  make   too wide  space between  words (like  on this line).
Therefore, TeX will never allow you to do it (unless very
forcibly persuaded). TeX tries really hard to put words in a
pragraph (much harder that any commercial DTP system with one
exception), but when it is really not able to do it correctly,
it gives up and will let superfluous text on the line to
overflow to right margin of the text and it will tell you that
there is a problem by:

a) saying it in standard output (hidden by LyX as TeX is run in
background, but you can see it via Edit/View LaTeX log file --
when it says "Overfull \hbox"), and

b) putting ugly black box to the end of the line
(unfortunately, again, this is switched off by default in
LaTeX; put draft in Extra parameters in Format/Document to see

When these things happen it is a sign (on plain TeX rather loud
sign) to user, that he is to do something with the line
(rephrase, put some hyphentaion command \- in word, etc.). To
make things more simple for all of us, TeX can very well divide
words (according to dictionary, how words should be divided).
Unfortunately all words are in that dictionary (e. g., names),
which may cause a trouble. There are three ways how to deal with
such things (exclude the most simple one -- to rephrase a

a) to edit hyphenation dictionary directly (not for us, normal

b) to use a commnad \hyphenation in your preamble (Format/LaTeX
preamble; see excerpt from manual below). It is best for
frequently used names in a document (for example, I am writing a
paper on book of Francis Fukuyama "Trust" -- therefore I have
\hyphenation{Fu-ku-ya-ma} in the preamble).

c) to use \- command (which is Control-- in LyX, no ERT needed;
be aware, that key for - follows localization, therefore I have
to press key used on English keyboards for %/= with Czech
keyboard switched on).

When all this fails, there is even a last way (not very good
one, IMHO) -- to put evil paragraph in the environment sloppy
(put \begin{sloppy} and \end{sloppy} around a paragraph and mark
them as ERT).

Read all about this and much more in
"The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" (in tetex available
on file:/usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi ).
Individual commands can be found in "Hypertext Help with LaTeX"
(available on

        Have a nice day



The \hyphenation command declares allowed hyphenation points,
where words is a list of words, separated by spaces, in which
each hyphenation point is indicated by a - character. For


indicates that "fortran" cannot be hyphenated and indicates
allowed hyphenation points for "ergonomic". 

This argument to this command should contain words composed
only of normal letters. To suggest hyphenation points for
strings containing nonletters or accented letters, use the \-
command in the input text.

This command is normally given in the preamble. 

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