It was really stupid that I had overlooked Castomization
Chapter. Nevertheless, if I have to solve the problem
by myself, it would probably be unrealistic and time
consuming, since I am not TeX'nician, not programmer, nor

I have received very precise sugestions and explicite help
from many Lyx users and gorus. 
Finaly I put all the "mwcls" real LaTeX classes into
"/lyx/tex/" folder. Then I made Lyx Layouts for
every new class, e.g. "mwbk.layout" just by copying e.g.
"book.layout" and changing the second line
put them into $HOME:~/.lyx/layout/ folder, than run

Now it works, but looks like there is still some work to be
done. I have, for example, problems exporting Lyx document
(mwbk) to pdflatex. Problems are associated mainly with
hyperref package, I gues. Maybe because I'm using
"sfheadings" option for changing section/titles fontfamily.
There is a mistake, but do not know where is it. 

Finaly, I want to say Thank You for everybody who responded
and helped me. 
Many thanks for Michal, Paul, Tomasz, Wojtek and for you,
Herbert. Special thanks for a Team of Lyx developers for so
fine and friendly word enviroment. And for  Marcin Wolski
for his mwcls classes. 

Here exerpts from test.log:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14f-released-20000525
(Web2C 7.3.2x) (format=pdflatex 2000.11.26)  27 NOV 2000
00:32 **Testd01.tex
LaTeX2e <2000/06/01> Loaded hyphenation patterns for
american, polish. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/mwbk.cls
Document Class: mwbk 2000/06/01 v0.38 A LaTeX document class (MW)
File: mwbk10.clo 2000/06/01 v0.38 A document class size option (MW)

File: pd1enc.def 2000/10/04 v6.71 Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
Package hyperref Info: Option `bookmarks' set `true' on input line 1603.
Package hyperref Info: Option `bookmarksopen' set `true' on input line 1603.

File: ot4antt.fd 1998/05/15 v0.8 font definition file for OT4/antt (P.K.)
Rozdzia\l  1.

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDFDocEncoded string:
(hyperref)                \kern -12.0pt
(hyperref)                removed on input line 32.

Package hyperref Warning: The anchor of a bookmark and its parent's must not
(hyperref)                be the same. Added a new anchor on input line 35.

Bronek Baraniecki
Tel/Fax: +48 89 512-2227

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