I found message in this list where Jürgen wrote, that "use class defaults" 
button "should apply to the following settings: 
* oneside/twoside 
* columns 
* page style 
* toc level 
And resets to what is defined as default (if any) in the layout file."

New Beamer class document (with "use class defaults" applied) compiles a pdf 
with margins from the article class and even A4 paper format. And there is no 
opportunity to change margins or paper format, because they are greyed out. 
User must revert to the article class, apply it (with warnings), change to 
defaults, apply them (with warnings) and revert back to Beamer. Nonetheless pdf 
after compiling has margins from the article class despite "Default margins" 
box were ticked – user must delete numbers from margin boxes – only then 
margins from article class disappear. So "Default margins" box isn't working in 
this case.
I couldn't find what is wrong with the margins quite a long time until checked 
code preview pane and saw preamble with margins defined. 
I think it is a bug and "use class defaults" should reset at least margins and 
paper format (and maybe some other parameters, as text layout) to defaults.

Best regards,

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