Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
Ronald Pagel wrote:

Please tell us, if that really did the trick. I encountered a similar
problem while creating slides, as I tried to explain in my thread
"missing number". There, tiny font chars in a math environment overlaid
onto themselves giving "1.3" instead of "11.3" in the pdf-output (I have
more examples, which are not exactly reproducible). However, the
ps-output was alright on the basis of the very same lyx-file! Uwe Stöhr
suggested a pdflatex problem, but I haven't found enough time to report
it to the developers yet.

I cannot reproduce any problems with pdflatex 1.10a and the file list below. Maybe a font issue?

Not shure about that, but since you cannot reproduce it I thought I update my tetex from 1.0.7 to 2.0.2. The problems disappeared. Thank you!


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