
Paul E. Johnson wrote:
I use LyX 1.3.2 with the qt gui on RedHat 9.

I typed a paper and in the math equations I used the tilde from the keyboard. I mean, I used the tilde you get by hitting shift and pressing the key that says ~. It is above the TAB on a US keyboard.
I was embarrassed/frustrated to learn during a presentation that the tildes did not appear in the printed output (or dvi) for that matter. The tilde does appear in output for regular text, just not in equations.
Since then, I have learned that there is a work around.

As far as I know, "~" is a special character in LaTeX. Lyx automaticaly substitutes ~ for the proper code that prints "~" in text mode, but not in math mode. If you want the symbol to appear in an equation you need to enter "\sim" or equivalently use the math panel.

The problem, in my opinion, is the wrong color of the symbol. It appears black in LyX's math mode, but should appear red (since it is latex code). I've sent a feature request about this (bug #590) some time ago.


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