On 31-3-2011 10:07, Pavel Sanda wrote:
Dear Pavel,

I've translated the Dutch list. I'm not sure if they are all correct since I'm 
no mathematician, and the math that I do do is usually in English, but I hope 
it helps.
I believe Vincent have seen some Dutch math text and can check it?

I'm Dutch, and I read mathematical texts, but I never read a mathematical text in Dutch since the first year's course on math some 14 years ago.

Kind regards,
Rick Blok

Translation nl
         "Acknowledgement" "Erkenning"
         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
         "Assumption" "Aanname"
         "Axiom" "Axioma"
         "Case" "Casus"
         "Chart" "Grafiek"
         "Claim" "Claim"
         "Conclusion" "Conclusie"
         "Condition" "Conditie"
         "Conjecture" "Conjectuur"
         "Corollary" "Corollary"
         "Criterion" "Criterium"
         "Definition" "Definitie"
         "Example" "Voorbeeld"
         "Exercise" "Oefening"
         "Fact" "Feit"
         "Figure" "Figuur"
         "Graph" "Grafiek"
         "Lemma" "Lemma"
         "List of Algorithms" "Lijst van Algorithmen"
Algorithmen -> Algoritmen.

         "List of Charts" "Lijst van Grafieken"
         "List of Figures" "Lijst van Figuren"
         "List of Graphs" "Lijst van Grafieken"
         "List of Schemes" "List van Schema's"
List -> Lijst.

For some of the others, I never have seen them in English, so I think any translation will be ok with me.


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