I do my CVs (in German and English, hence 2) in the EuroPass format.
(Google is your friend here).

Unfortunately there is no LyX module for it which really works (for
me) so I use the LaTeX version(s) with TeXshop.  That is ok, because
it doesn't change a lot and the changes are easy (the odd
publication is added :-)-O)

So, no Instant Gratification, but then on the other hand I don't
have an Entitlement Expectation :-)-O and to be honest figuring this
stuff out is fun most of the time, and help is there for the asking.

The German TeX user group had an article about the two Europass
classes available and they asked me for a "live" PDF to print as
example output :-)-O

I find that PDF is accepted very well, by the way.


On 2013-10-23 18:34 , Les Denham wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:19:38 -0600 Richard Talley
> <rich.tal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now on to the résumé.  Let's see what's available.  ModernCV
>> looks good, under development for seven years.
> Richard,
> That's what I thought too.  The documentation is, as you point
> out, rather sketchy.  But with a little effort I managed a very
> nice looking CV.
> Now the really big problem: most, in fact almost all, advertised
> job vacancies only accept resumes in MS Word format.  So I had to
> get my very nice CV into LibreOffice (where it did not look very
> nice) and save it in DOCX format.
> Sigh.
> Les

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