>  On that note, what is the state of the MacPorts TeX ports?

FWIW, I just installed texlive in MacPorts prior to compiling GNU
Lilypond from source. Lilypond heavily relies on metafont for its
custom music notation fonts. Everything is working correctly at the
moment for me.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Dan Ports<dpo...@ambulatoryclam.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 01:32:42PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Because we want to allow MacTeX installed outside of MacPorts to
>> satisfy the dependency. This is an exception to the usual rule,
>> because TeX is hard to build and the MacPorts TeX ports tend to lag
>> far behind TeX releases. And I'm told by those who use TeX that MacTeX
>> is pretty good.
>  On that note, what is the state of the MacPorts TeX ports? Are there
> major open issues? (If this question has already been beaten to death,
> apologies; I only started reading this list a couple weeks ago.
> Pointers to other threads or tickets are appreciated.)
>  I'm a pretty heavy TeX user (what academic isn't?) and, all other
> things being equal, I'd prefer to stick to texlive for compatibility
> with my Linux/BSD systems that use it. I haven't run into any problems
> with the ports yet, though I only recently started using them and
> haven't done much serious tex hacking yet.
>  I'd be happy to work on this a bit, although obviously how much would
> depend on what needs to be done and what my calendar looks like for the
> next couple months.
>  Dan
> --
> Dan R. K. Ports                              <dpo...@ambulatoryclam.net>
> Research Henchman
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology                     <d...@mit.edu>
> Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab    <d...@csail.mit.edu>
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