
Release-6 RC0 packages are built (see mail below). This is a good time
to start testing the release bits, and reporting any issues on bugzilla.
Do post on the lists any testing done and feedback from the same.

We have about 2 weeks to GA of release-6 barring any major blockers
uncovered during the test phase. Please take this time to help make the
release effective, by testing the same.


NOTE: CentOS StorageSIG packages for the same are still pending and
should be available in due course.
On 2/23/19 9:41 AM, Kaleb Keithley wrote:
> GlusterFS 6.0rc0 is built in Fedora 30 and Fedora 31/rawhide.
> Packages for Fedora 29, RHEL 8, RHEL 7, and RHEL 6* and Debian 9/stretch
> and Debian 10/buster are at
> https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/qa-releases/6.0rc0/
> Packages are signed. The public key is at
> https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/6/rsa.pub
> * RHEL 6 is client-side only. Fedora 29, RHEL 7, and RHEL 6 RPMs are
> Fedora Koji scratch builds. RHEL 7 and RHEL 6 RPMs are provided here for
> convenience only, and are independent of the RPMs in the CentOS Storage SIG.
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