Thanks to the help of Mr. Butler we were able to get our rasters to display. Connecting to ArcSDE raster layers requires the connection string (as denoted on this site to be included in the DATA line as well as the CONNECTION line.
Below is an example for anyone else having difficulty displaying SDE raster layers (using the MS4W 2.2.7 installation and ArcSDE 9.1 or 9.2) : LAYER NAME hillshade STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER CONNECTION "server,port:5151,sde,username,password" CONNECTIONTYPE PLUGIN PLUGIN "c:/ms4w/apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll" DATA "SDE:server,5151,sde,username,password,SCHEMA.RASTERLAYER,RASTER" PROCESSING "BANDS=1" PROCESSING "SCALE=0,255" OFFSITE 0 0 0 PROJECTION "+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +k_0=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs" END END Brad Posthumus -----Original Message----- >Is there any documentation or mapfile examples on how to display ArcSDE >raster data (9.1 or 9.2) using MapServer 5.x? Everything that I have >seen is outdated since the SDE raster capabilities was moved to GDAL. >Displaying SDE vector data is relatively simple, but attempting to use >the same connection properties with raster data gives us this error >(using DEBUG ON): >..msDrawRaster(): Unable to access file. >(SCHEMA.RASTERNAME,FOOTPRINT,SDE.DEFAULT) >..Unable to open file SCHEMA.RASTERNAME,FOOTPRINT,SDE.DEFAULT for layer >rastername ... ignoring this missing data. >(where SCHEMA.RASTERNAME is the name of the raster which DOES exist in >the database) >Has anyone been able to successfully display SDE raster data? >Brad Posthumus _______________________________________________ mapserver-users mailing list