Rats, I meant to reply last week to this.

Regarding  ms:my_layer_name. You can control the namespace prefix using 
ows_namespace_prefix. There is no way to change the move away from the layer 
name so you are correct.

Regarding constants. The GML transformer does support constants. For example:

  gml_constants "constant1,constant2"
  gml_constant1_value "1234"
  gml_constant1_type "integer"
  gml_constant2_value "This is a constant string"

Constants can be part of a group. The value is output as part of a GML instance 
document and the type is used to create the schema.


>>> On 6/8/2007 at 5:54 AM, in message
> Thanks both for your answers. Finally I try Steve's option and I configurate
> Mapserver mapfile to make the transformation. However, I found two problems:
> * First, I'd like to transform from ms:my_layer_name to ns:Entity, but this
> parameter is directly extracted from the NAME parameter in the mapfile LAYER
> object, so I think that if I want ns:Entity, my layer has to name
> "Entity"... Is it any parameter I could configurate to fix this? Or am I 
> wrong?
> * Second, the schema I want my response to fix has mandatory fields that I
> can't extract from database, but whose value remains always the same. Is it
> any parameter I could add to insert in the response a default value for
> these tags?
> Thanks in advance!!

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