On Saturday 14 January 2012 12:06 AM, Waylan Limberg wrote:
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
<chyav...@gmail.com>  wrote:
May I ask a supplementary question please: How are em-dashes and en-dashes
handled in Markdown?

They aren't. You may want to check out
[smartypants](http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/) for
that which was written by the same author.

In fact, smartypants is a "filter" available on the Markdown Dingus
(select "markdown", "smartypants" or "both").

I have just discovered, thanks to the wonder of Unix pipes, that this works:

markdown filename.md | ./SmartyPants.pl - > filename.html

where SmartyPants.pl resides in the current working directory or in an executable path.

The only problem as I see it is that three dashes produce a long dash and a hyphen rather than an em-dash, although two dashes seem to work well. But investigating that will have to wait for the morrow!

This is a very generous mailing list and my thanks to all who answered so helpfully and promptly :-)

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