I think this communication strategy is more than just marketing.
Its a way of opening the deployments to further contributors.
If we can make the "twitting" part of the recommended deployment
then we will make our efforts more transparent.

We already have a very capable and free twitter-like-and-compatible
social network called http://identi.ca where which many sugar labs members
already use for sharing info. I would recommend checking out the groups
!sugar, !sugarco, and !sugarlabsar and !somosazucar.

I am trying to aggregate these feeds embedding them into a wordpress
instance at somosazucar.org hosted in sunjammer.

It would be cool if more people got interested in the possibilities of this,
which is why I'm copying systems@

In particular, we have thought that an instance of status.net (the free
software behind identi.ca) which is more suited for kids (bigger buttons,
less options) would be *really* great. Also, 140 characters is too
I would prefer 280 or 420 so that the output will display in 2 or 3 twitts
on twitter.

A great thing about status.net is that is a descentralized standard,
and it can feed twitter, facebook and others autonomously.



2010/4/15 Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com>

> <rmesquita>: 1. List the social network environments/tools (twitters,
> communities, blogs, widgets, networks) associated with the
> organization or which deserve its respect that are currently operating
> in the social media ecosystem;
> <rmesquita>: 2. Start organizing its strategy for web interactions
> using a social network tool consisting of twitters and their
> 140-character twits, which can carry a link (“global bar table”),
> defining those who represent the organization and its projects;
> <rmesquita>: 3. Establish or formalize the twitters that currently try
> to interact in countries with existing projects, project organization,
> or emerging projects: Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and Rwanda.
> <rmesquita>: 4. Define a way to use Twitter, the social network tool,
> as an object of education, encouraging children who study on the OLPC
> platform to open their own twitters, follow the twitters representing
> the project of their schools, and twitters representing projects of
> other regions or countries, discussing among them the local impact of
> the OLPC project.
> <rmesquita>: This policy of children involvement should be broadly
> encouraged, even in countries that only have pilot projects.
> <rmesquita>: 5. Define a way to use the Twitterfeed tool (a RSS
> connection between different environments of a given individual or
> his/her fans) to promote interaction among the different local
> networks that should emerge from this process, giving priority to the
> dynamic content of Flickr and Youtube. Examples of Friendfeed: a, b
> and c.
> <rmesquita>: 6. Define a strategy for the joint use of the Friendfeed
> social network tool, a free router that helps combine interactions
> coming from different social network tools (twitter, blogs,
> communities, and social network applications such as Facebook, Orkut,
> Peabirus, and others), using RSSs and making this space a reference
> source for the whole process.
> <rmesquita>: If this action plan is carried out, it will create
> dynamics that will be an extension of the platform built on the XO.
> <rmesquita>: That's it
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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