This is all pretty juvenile leftism.  Then again, it's not Kevin Trudeau.

The entire history of philosophy to Rosa is a scheme, a ruse, duplicity.

Novack was indeed a hack.

Anything of substance in this essay comes down to the criticism of 
Lenin.  I don't have time for this but if anyone cares to review 
Lenin's remarks, go to it.

At 01:23 PM 7/13/2007, Charles Brown wrote:
>For instance, in his Philosophical Notebooks Lenin attempted to derive the
>entire dialectic from a single sentence like "John is a man." [Lenin (1961),
>p.359.] There, Lenin was quite happy to construct several tall stories atop
>this alarmingly weak foundation, claiming to know what must be the case for
>all of reality, for all of time.
>However, John's material insignificance did not prevent Lenin from
>uncovering a host of universal and omnitemporal truths concealed beneath
>this fictional character's imputed manhood. Thus, from this figment of the
>imagination, Lenin thought he could derive a number of seemingly eternal and
>all-embracing scientific facts. Indeed, from sentences like these (all of
>which were of the subject/predicate form -- a highly limited form of
>discourse, anyway), and scarcely giving a thought to the epistemological
>megalomania this implied --, Lenin was able to claim that not just John, but
>everything in reality must be a UO, and thus that everything in existence is
>contradictory. His reason? Simply that John cannot be identical with the
>universal term "man", a subject cannot be identical with a predicate.
>Lenin thus calmly concluded that the principles he had uncovered while
>reading Hegel's Logic -- and after tinkering with a few simple sentences --
>governed the "eternal development of the world." [Lenin (1961), p.110.]
>Furthermore, and despite the fact that dialecticians repeatedly tell us that
>their theory is not a "master key" to all that exists, Lenin let the
>metaphysical cat out of the linguistic bag when he declared that:
>"[t]he identity of opposites.alone furnishes the key to the self-movement of
>everything existing." [Ibid. p.358.]
>One minute DM is not the key; next it is. One minute we are told dialectics
>must not be imposed on reality; next it has been. All DM-theorists indulge
>in this pragmatic contradiction: first they disarm the reader with an open
>declaration that dialectics has not been imposed on reality (their favourite
>way of making this point recently is to say that DM is not "a royal road to
>truth"), then, sometimes on the same page or in the next paragraph -- or
>even in the very next sentence -- they proceed to do the exact opposite,
>claiming that this or that DM-thesis is universally true throughout all of
>space and for all of time.

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