I haven't checked the links, but am I Mr. D?

You know, this is a sad case of Trotskyist obsessive-compulsive 
behavior, i.e. of a Trot consumed by his quarrels with other Trots, 
and to a lesser extent his competitors among other 
Marxist-Leninists.  It's pathetic.

It's true that diamat--at least as stated formulaically as it always 
is--is a wasteland. Discounting also the inept forays of dialectical 
into formal logic, there are other more pressing concerns about what 
a dialectical historical perspective on social and ideological 
contradictions might look like, or what a dialectical take on Marx's 
Capital might entail.

Get a life, Rosa, or at least buy a vibrator.

At 11:40 AM 8/14/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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