Continuous Military Rule in Pakistan - the Challenge for Future!


  Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik

Chairman of Communist Party of Pakistan.


First of all, I would like to appreciate the effort of the Workers Party of 
Belgium (WPB) to organize the seminar regularly. I would like to send you the 
cordial fraternal thanks for your work on behalf of the Communist Party of 


I was invited by the Workers Party of Belgium to attend the seminar but due to 
my health problems, I am unable to attend this seminar, so I will request the 
organiser of the seminar to kindly depute any comrade, who may read my article 
“Continuous Military Rule in Pakistan - the Challenge for Future!” at the 15th 
International Communist Seminar. 


For better understanding of my this article, the Historical Background, Party 
History, Our Struggle, Kashmir Dispute, Ideology, Political Activities, Who is 
Ruling Pakistan, Judiciary vis-à-vis army and How and Why to get rid of Army 
Rule in Pakistan are the crux to understand the biggest Challenge for Future to 
Pakistan vis-à-vis "Present and past experiences in the International Communist 




Present Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh were one under British India 
prior to August 14-15, 1947. Interestingly, British colonialists reshaped 
feudalism in the subcontinent, while feudalism was abolished in Britain by the 
bourgeoisie for the expansion of the market and political hold of this emerging 
triumphant class. Before the control of the subcontinent by British 
colonialists, there was no hereditary feudal system in the subcontinent and 
land belonged to the central power, which was the proper authority to award 
certain landholdings holding to those it liked, who had provided a particular 
number of soldiers and certain amount of revenue to the central authority under 
monarchy. The central authority was empowered to take back land from any one 
the former wanted. Karl Marx traced the historical and economic background and 
scientific reasons on colonialisation of India. 


However, the disastrous effect of the Second World War on British economy and 
politics was enormous, and the government in London under the people’s pressure 
had to leave the subcontinent. But while leaving, the British colonialists 
divided Indian subcontinent into two separate countries, namely India and 
Pakistan, on communal line. Later on the former East Pakistan also broke away 
in 1971 from Pakistan for economic and political deprivation. Now, the 
subcontinent is divided into three parts namely India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, 
which are still under the grip of neo-colonialism, dominated by the United 
States of America because of its economic and military power.






Communist Party of Pakistan (abbreviation: CPP) is the vanguard of the working 
class and toiling masses plus deprived sections of the society. Anchored on the 
historic process and dynamics of Marxism-Leninism, the CPP under its subjective 
condition is in the political arena for the social change, free from 
exploitation of man by man. Its basic manifesto is to work for the welfare of 
the poor. Basically, it is a secular party in a Muslim dominated country like 
ours and we fully believes in keeping the religion separate from the State 
politics whereas the military rulers of our country are opposed to secular 
system only for their vested interests. 




Before the partition of the Indian subcontinent, the Communist Party of India 
(CPI) was the main political vanguard of the working class of this undivided 
country. After the creation of the Pakistan, some old stalwarts of the 
Communist Party of India formed the Communist Party of Pakistan in 1948, and 
started its political activities under the very hostile political environment, 
caused by McCarthyism, which let loose reign of terror in this newly born 
country, with the active collaboration of pro-imperialist ruling cliques of 
Pakistan. Frightened of utter failure of the ruling oligarchy and the scope of 
spread of anti-imperialist democratic struggle in which Communist Party of 
Pakistan played a key role, the Party was banned in 1954 under American 
instructions to the Pakistani rulers and its several top leadership including 
Sajjad Zaheer, Secretary General of CPP and the world fame poet and Lenin Award 
winner, Faiz Ahmad Faiz were arrested and imprisoned in the so-called 
Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case. 


After its ban, the Communist Party of Pakistan, which operated underground, 
worked as an integrated Communist force until the Sino-Soviet ideological 
question, causing rift in international Communist and national liberation 
movements. Since this quagmire adversely affected the communist movement world 
over, the Communist Party of Pakistan was also not exception to this conflict, 
and subsequently the Party was divided into pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese 
factions. Later on several groups and factions on both sides of the divide 
emerged, each claiming to be the only genuine communist force.


The reality on the ground, however, was that the underground pro-Soviet 
Communist Party of Pakistan and the Workers-Peasants Party known as Mazdoor 
Kissan Party, a mass political front of the underground pro-Chinese Communist 
Party, were the formidable political forces in Pakistan under their ideological 
base and tactics. 


The collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 witnessed a terrible 
situation in Pakistan. The CPP was badly affected by the break-up of the Soviet 
Union. It split three times after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Each 
successive faction abandoned Marxism.


Most of the pro-Soviet communist organizations and their stalwarts in Pakistan 
deserted Marxism-Leninism. Only the two top notch leaders of the Communist 
Party of Pakistan, Comrade Imam Ali Nazish and Comrade Syed Rashid Ahmed 
remained committed to Marxist-Leninist revolutionary ideology. Comrade Imam Ali 
Nazish, the former Secretary-General of Communist Party of Pakistan and Comrade 
Syed Rashid Ahmed the member of the Central Committee including some newly 
inducted members of the Party worked for the merger with Workers-Peasants Party 
(Mazdoor Kissan Party), and finally the merger saw the light of the day in 1994 
since there remained no ideological, political and tactical conflicts between 
these two Parties the aftermath of the disintegration of the erstwhile Soviet 
Union that is interpreted as the end of the Cold War. 


After the merger, the name of the organization was adopted as Communist Mazdoor 
Kissan Party (CMKP) but immediately after the death of Chairman of CMKP, 
Comrade Imam Ali Nazish in March 1999, this merger only lasted for five years 
and eventually the CPP, which merged with Mazdoor Kissan Party as an 
underground party to form CMKP decided in the year 1999 to apart from CMKP and 
work openly within the down trodden masses and not as an underground party. The 
CPP after its revival remains engaged in working to bring about social 
transformation through People's Democratic Revolution.



It resists imperialist stranglehold on Pakistan, and is opposed to imperialist 
hegemony in our South Asian region and elsewhere in the world. It is committed 
to fighting archaic feudalism brought into play by the British colonialists in 
the 19th century when India was colonial’s for the trading interests of the 
British East India Company. That time the subcontinent comprised present Indian 
Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


Kashmir still remains the bone of contention between India and Pakistan due to 
hypocrisy of the United Nations. The United Nations is not sincere and serious 
to resolve the Kashmir dispute despite the passage of two resolutions by 
itself. Both India and Pakistan are now equipped with nuclear arsenal and the 
weapons of mass destruction, while more than 70 percent of the people of India 
and Pakistan lead a very miserable life, below the poverty line and the 
population of both the countries bears brunt of heavy foreign debts. 


Moreover, the South Asian region is under constant nuclear threat because of 
Kashmir dispute which already triggered three wars between India and Pakistan. 
The immediate need of the hour is the solution of the Kashmir dispute on the 
basis of right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people, who are the only 
sovereign to decide their destiny, and India and Pakistan must be pressurized 
to accept the verdict of the Kashmiri people. It is necessary to mention here 
that whenever the people of India and Pakistan launch struggle for their 
genuine economic and political rights, ruling classes of both the countries 
drag the Kashmir issue to the flashpoint, dynamiting the people's struggle and 
manage to maintain socio-economic status quo.


Since Pakistan is a developing country with the relics of backward feudal 
values and tribalism under enormous imperialist influences, with no strong 
industrial base and no anti-imperialist national bourgeoisie worth the name to 
carry out successfully democratic revolution to dislodge Western dominance on 
the domestic market plus replace feudal and tribal-ridden society with the 
prerequisites of modern state craft, the CPP has reached a conclusion through 
the analysis of the objective situation and experiences of other countries that 
the, "People's Democracy" is the only path to accomplish the immediate 
political task. The successful People's Democratic Revolution would ultimately 
pave the way for the attainment of socialism at the later stage of development. 
However, neo-colonial machinations have virtually deterred the bourgeois role 
at the present complicated international political and economic environment. 
But despite of all the inherent weakness, if any section of bourgeoisie dares 
fight imperialist manipulation in Pakistan, the CPP is prepared to join hands 
with it. 


The CPP initiates struggle on different issues related to economy, politics and 
joins alliances in order to broaden democratic base in the country, which has 
been very fragile due to imperialist manipulation and continuous military rule 
in Pakistan. It exposes the rulers, strives to mobilize the people and enhance 
secularism. Democracy, progressive polity and secularism have been the victim 
of the pro-imperialist reactionary ruling classes of Pakistan.  

Thus, the CPP, which was formed as open party in 1948 but banned in year 1954 
and after its ban, the CPP worked as an underground party till its merger with 
CMKP in year 1994 and after its revival as an open party in the year 1999, it 
has earned the right over 58 years of struggle to call itself the vanguard 
party of Pakistan. It has stood firmly with the banner of Marxism-Leninism and 
upheld the banner of Communism in a difficult period in history.


However, it is on record that the CPP is the only political party in Pakistan 
who has never ever supported any military regime and military dictator on this 
count. Even General Musharraf has no moral and political grounds to rule our 
nation and all the amendments made by General Musharraf in the Constitution of 
Pakistan, 1973 are unconstitutional in the eyes of the Communist Party. 




Comrade Taimur Rahman, Punjab Secretary of the Communist Mazdoor Kisan (Workers 
and Peasants) Party of Pakistan, while presenting “On the History of the 
Communist Movement in Pakistan”  at Socialist Labour Party public meeting on 
27/09/2001 at Brighton, Britain divided the History of Pakistan into Six 
Stages, which are as under:-

1) 1947 -- 1958: Government of the Secretaries 
2) 1958 -- 1971: Military Dictatorship
3) 1971 -- 1977: Young Bourgeois Democracy
4) 1977 -- 1988: Theocratic Dictatorship
5) 1988 -- 1999: Degenerated Bourgeois Democracy
6) 1999 --: Military Rule


But in our political analysis, our country Pakistan, unfortunately, is being 
continuously ruled by Pakistan Army and its secret agencies since our 
independence from British Empire in 1947 either directly or indirectly or by 
one way or the others.


Even the late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, father of Ex- Prime Minister of Pakistan 
Benazir Bhutto ruled Pakistan as the first Chief Martial Law Administrator in 
the year 1972 in collaboration with army hierarchy.


The Military Rulers of Pakistan has only two main agenda. Firstly – how to 
prolong their rules in Pakistan and secondly – how to watch the interest of 
American Imperialism. What ever the USA Government dictates to our military 
rulers, they are very obedient and sincere to follow it fully. 


Sometimes, our military rulers become very fundamentalists and some times they 
pose as an enlightened and moderate one. In fact our military rulers are 
neither moderate nor fundamentalist. They are in fact greedy for power only and 
have to follow that policy what the American rulers dictate to them. 


The other political parties like Pakistan Peoples Party led by Benazir Bhutto 
and Pakistan Muslim League led by Nawaz Sharif and Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, 
Muttaidha Quami Mahaz led by Altaf Hussain and even Tehrik-e-Insaf led by 
cricketer Imran Khan are all pro-establishment and pro-Americans political 
parties in current scenario. So much so, all the religious political parties 
were all allied and worked under the direction of CIA and ISI of Pakistan Army 
for fighting against the Communist regime of Afghanistan and at that time the 
Talibans and Osama Bin Laden was not only the creation of CIA and ISI of 
Pakistan Army but was also the blue eyed of America Imperialism then.


All the political parties as above referred worked totally under the control 
and command of G. H. Q (General Head Quarters) of Pakistan Army and its secret 
agencies for getting share in powers. Furthermore, all these political parties 
supported the military takeover of General Ayub, General Yayha, General 
Zia-ul-Haq and General Pervaz Musharraf on one pretext or the other.


It is on record that Communist Party of Pakistan is the only political party in 
Pakistan who has never ever supported any military regime and military dictator 
on this count. Our Ex- Secretary General Hasan Nasir was tortured and murdered 
in Jail by General Ayub in 1962 and our other Ex-Secretary General Jami Saqi 
remained more than ten years long imprisonment by General Zia-ul-Haq from 1975 
to 1987. Likewise young Comrade Nazir Abbasi, a member of the Central Committee 
of CPP and others were also tortured and murdered by General Zia-ul-Haq during 
its military regime.




Looking, now one other aspect, every one knows in Pakistan that our superior 
Judiciary has never ever sided with the cases of the downtrodden masses. It 
always helps the military dictators to rule our country illegally. The every 
dictator’s action was justified by our superior Judiciary and none of the 
judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in this context is appreciable, 
rather all judgments are deplorable. The rich people with the help of money get 
every type of judgments they like and whereas, the poor and middle class people 
are helpless and don't get justice at all and spend their whole life in futile 
exercise in the hope of getting justice from these courts. 


In our Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 copy of which can be seen on the website 
of the Articles No. 17, 43 and 
63 (k) clearly bars any Government employee that neither he can take part in 
politics nor he can contest the election but surprisingly, the superior 
judiciary of the Supreme Court of Pakistan knowingly everything allows General 
Pervaz Musharraf to continue as President. 

Dear Comrades, in the case of the Constitutional Petition No. 40/2004 as filed 
by the Communist Party of Pakistan against the Government employee like General 
Pervaz Musharraf , the Supreme Court of Pakistan did not dare to ask General 
Pervaz Musharraf that under what authority of law, he is ruling the country in 
contravention  with the Articles No. 17, 43 and 63 (k) of the Constitution of 
Pakistan, which clearly bars any Government employee that neither he can take 
part in politics nor he can contest the election. 


That during the hearing of the aforesaid Constitutional Petition No. 40 of 2004 
against General Pervaz Musharraf from removing him from the office of President 
being a Government Employee, when brought to the notice of the Supreme Court 
Judges that the presence of a Government employee like General Pervaz Musharraf 
in the Presidency of Pakistan also contravenes and contradicts the principles 
of law enunciated by the Supreme Court in its earlier reported judgment 2004 
SUPREME COURT MONTHLY REVIEW PAGE 164 titled “Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik v 
Government of Pakistan etc” in which the Supreme Court of Pakistan has held 
that the Government employees should neither take part in politics nor can even 
addresses a press conference in any capacity but surprisingly the Judges of the 
Supreme Court silently ignored their own judgment. Is it not a negation of 
justice and double standard of superior judiciary of Pakistan? Certainly it is 



Dear Comrades, during the hearing of CPP Constitutional petition against 
General Pervaz Musharraf, I personally told the larger Bench comprising of five 
judges of the Supreme Court that one Retired Chief Justice of Pakistan Dr. 
Naseem Hassan Shah publicly admitted in one of its interview with Pakistan GEO 
Television programme known as “Jawab-dah” broadcast in year 2004 that the 
superior judiciary of Pakistan cannot and could not give the right and correct 
judgment against military rule by Pakistan army, as on the day of judgment, the 
army men with guns are behind our corridors and due to fear of death, we can’t 
do justice. Retired Chief Justice of Pakistan also admitted that the death 
sentence given to Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was wrong 
and it was given because of the fear of those army men holding guns in their 


The judges after hearing these remarks posed as they are free to give any 
judgment they like and they have no pressure from Army but after seeing the 
judgment in favour of General Pervaz Musharraf, one can easily see that what 
the Retired Chief Justice of Pakistan, Dr. Naseem Hassan Shah confessed in his 
old age before dying in his interview with Pakistan GEO Television is 100% 
absolutely correct.  The comrades, if interested can see the judgment of the 
Supreme Court of Pakistan in favour of General Pervaz Musharraf as filed by the 
CPP on the website of Supreme Court titled “JUDGMENT ON 17TH AMENDMEND 




The continuous army rule in our country has created unrest and poverty to the 
highest degree. Most of the agricultural land has been grabbed by the army 
generals on the so-called national services rendered by them during their 
employment with Government. All the residential lands for the construction of 
housing projects in all the big and even small cities has also been allotted, 
grabbed and looted by all the army officers at a very less price as compared to 
the market prices and on the other side majority of the civilian population is 
living without any shelter and or homeless. The Pakistan Army in fact and 
actually assumed the role of a political party and is no more a professional 
army now. They have weapons in their hands on public exchequer and ruling 
Pakistan on one pretext or the other whereas the factual and ground reality is 
that the Pakistan Army is responsible for all the social-economic and political 
problems of our country. 


The army rule in 1971 had broken Pakistan and Bangladesh emerged purely due to 
bad and poor political rule of Army and the same situation is now facing 
Baluchistan, a province of Pakistan. General Pervaz Musharraf by military 
operations is adamant to crush the genuine movements of the Baluchi People, who 
are fighting for the rights of their self determination and for provincial 
autonomy. All the parliaments of our country in the past were rubber stamp but 
the present parliament is the worst one and the parliamentarians are helpless 
and they are only protecting the shameful democracy for their own vested 
interest. The Election Commission is not at all independent in our country. The 
superior judiciary since independence is working and safe guarding the interest 
of Army and Military rule in our country. The suicidal cases due to poverty 
have been considerably increasing day by day. 


Dear Comrades, every one in Pakistan knows that the Americans are doing worst 
to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq and the policies of the American 
Imperialism are against the sovereignty, integrity and national interest of our 
country but even then the Army Rulers of Pakistan, knowingly everything, are so 
selfish and greedy for their vested interests and are helping American 
Imperialism to carry their evil designs at the risk and security of Pakistan.


The nut-shell of the above discussion is that Pakistan is now facing all types 
of problems but the question, however, is how to get rid of continuous army 
rule in Pakistan. All the political parties alliances like ARD (Alliance for 
Restoration of Democracy in which Pakistan Peoples Party, Pakistan Muslim 
League and other bourgeoisie party) and MMA (Muttaihda Majle Amal in which six 
religious parties are there) which though poses to the downtrodden masses that 
they are anti American in policies and anti General Pervaz Musharraf but the 
true fact is that neither MMA, who have a Provincial Governments in two out of 
four provinces of Pakistan nor ARD is against the American Imperialism and 
General Pervaz Musharraf. Both of these political alliances in fact wants 
sharing in powers and so the Communist Party of Pakistan don’t have at all any 
political hope from these bourgeoisie and religious parties.


There is one other political alliance on national question of smaller 
nationality known as “POONUM”. Though this alliance is anti General Pervaz 
Musharraf but is not effective and not playing any vital and concrete struggle 
for mobilizing the downtrodden masses against army rule in Pakistan.


Dear Comrades,


In Pakistan, besides Communist Party of Pakistan, there are also other leftist 
and progressive parties like National Workers Party led by Abid Hasan Minto, 
Labour Party Pakistan led by Farooq Tariq, Awami Tehrik led by Rasul Baksh 
Paleejo, Mazdoor Kissan Party led by Afzal Khamoosh, Pakistan Peoples Party 
(Shaheed Bhutto Group) led by Ghinwa Bhutto, Pakistan Mazdood Mahaz led by 
Tufail Abbas, Peoples Rights Movement led by Asim Sajjad and Communist Mazdoor 
Kissan Party led by Sufi Abdul Khaliq Baluch but after the collapse and 
downfall of the Soviet Revolution in 1990, all these political parties have now 
different political analysis and strategy regarding national issues and solving 
the problems of downtrodden masses.


However, with the passage of time, every above left and progressive parties are 
now seriously thinking for formation of a “United Front” against General Pervaz 
Musharraf and some initial contacts and steps in this context have already been 
taken by the Communist Party of Pakistan and other left and progressive parties 
of Pakistan and let us see whether the left and progressive parties of Pakistan 
can now play a vital role in overthrowing the continuous Army Rule in Pakistan 
by mobilizing the downtrodden masses and other sections of people against army 
with the help of Marxist-Leninist theory and approach.


Communist Party of Pakistan is of political analysis now that in the first 
phase, the CPP should vigorously fight against the Army Rule in Pakistan and 
utilize all their sources and energy for overthrowing and removing Army Rule in 
Pakistan for ever as in Pakistan, the neutral Election Commission, Independence 
of Judiciary and social economic matters, land reforms and other political 
matters like trade unionism etc are all related with the complete end of Army 
Rule in Pakistan and our party honestly feels that if the Communist Party of 
Pakistan and other left and progressive parties did not play their historical 
and political role in the current scenario of the prevailing political 
situation of Pakistan, the sufferings of the downtrodden masses, peasantry and 
workers classes would increase to the highest degree and that would be a 
shameful act for all the communists, socialists, leftists and progressive 
elements of Pakistan.


Dear Comrades,


After having more than 57 years of the Communist movement of Pakistan and the 
minute analysis of the way and tactics of the continuous Army Rule in Pakistan, 
the Communist Party of Pakistan is of the considered opinion that revolution at 
first stage is not possible. The CPP has reached a conclusion through the 
analysis of the objective situation and experiences of other countries that 
the, "People's Democracy" is the only path to accomplish the immediate 
political task. The successful People's Democratic Revolution would ultimately 
pave the way for the attainment of socialism at the later stage of development.


The Future Challenge for the communists, socialists, leftists and progressive 
elements of Pakistan for bringing "People's Democracy" is to overthrow the Army 
Rule of General Pervaz Musharraf for ever and liberate the downtrodden masses, 
workers, peasantry etc from the clutches of these Army Rulers, who were and are 
ruling Pakistan on one pretext and the other and for achieving this political 
objective and purpose, the Communist Party of Pakistan has to adopt a suitable 
methodology for mobilizing the downtrodden masses, workers, peasantry and other 
sections of the people keeping only one agenda for removing and overthrowing 
Army Rule for ever in Pakistan, which in fact has now adopted a role of 
monarchy to some extent in Pakistan. 




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