'Terrorism' 1 as a strategy for liberation

"The initial Arab public response to Hamas’s acts of terror set a secular and 
moderate tone. Hamas’s October 7 actions conflated the boundaries between 
legitimate resistance to the Israeli occupation and siege of the Palestinian 
territories, which categorically does not include targeting civilians, and 
crimes of terrorism. In response, Arab governments ( 
https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/138158 ) , civil society organizations ( 
https://twitter.com/alhaq_org/status/1711308161351631073 ) , several media 
outlets ( 
 ) , and some influential social media accounts ( 
 ) were quick to condemn the violence and call for the protection of life on 
both sides." Amr Hamzawy. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 
 (Links in the original.)

When Hamas launches an attack that kills @1200 Israelis it's 'terrorism'. When 
Israelis kill @34,000 Gazans, mainly civilians, a large portion women and 
children, it’s ‘collateral damage’.

I worked in the garment industry @ the turn of this century. The company's 
salesman was an outspoken Zionist. He brought in a two-paneled cartoon. On the 
left was an armed IDF soldier crouched in front of a baby in a stroller, 
protecting it; on the other side was a similar stroller with a child in it. 
Crouched, hiding, behind it was a stereotypical caricature of an Arab with an 
AK-47. He said, "Now, what do you think of that." Not a question. I replied, 
"Where are the tanks." Also not a question.

Away from the current conflict between the people living in Gaza and the 
murderous invaders of the IDF; away from choosing and defending the ‘talking 
points’ of this or that side; away even from an examination of the historical 
usage of 'terrorism' (e.g. the use of counter-'terror' by the Mau Mau (see 
below) in response to British terror; and the use of counter-'terror' by the 
Algerian freedom fighters of the FLN ( https://groups.io/Documents/_blank ) in 
response to the terror campaigns waged by the OAS ( 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_arm%C3%A9e_secr%C3%A8te ) ). Away 
from the 'terror'' aided victories of the Viet Minh ( 
 ) (against the terrors inflicted by the Japanese ( 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes ) and the French ( 
) as well as that of the Diem regime ( 
https://www.nytimes.com/1972/12/01/archives/an-earlier-bloodbath.html ) and of 
the US ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_massacre ) ). And way from that 
of the mujahidin, at first against the Soviets and then against the Americans ( 
https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/who-responsible-taliban ) ) 
where the invaders were slunk out, sent home from Afghanistan, with their tails 
between their legs, The kamikaze of Taliban suicide bombers helped to drive the 
US out of Afghanistan. ( https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN18198862/ )

Away away from all such, the question of 'terror's usage as a strategy for 
liberation is a phenomenon in and of itself and could be examined out of and 
away from the context of this or that particularity. Here it is to be asserted 
that something of a global political principle can be extracted from the 
particulars of an individual non-political social case. Such a proposal can be 
quickly summed as “When there is no path of resistance save 'terrorism' then 
such is justified." The murdered Panther, Bunchy Carter, said "Do something. Do 
something if you just spit ( 
 )." 'Terrorism' is the oppressed's big Hawk-too-ee.

"(Bethwell) Ogot dismissed (Caroline) Elkins as an uncritical imbiber of Mau 
Mau propaganda...he argued, she had glossed over the litany of Mau Mau 
atrocities: '...decapitation and general mutilation of civilians, torture 
before murder, bodies bound up in sacks and dropped in wells, burning the 
victims alive, gouging out of eyes, splitting open the stomachs of pregnant 
women.'" “Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire.” Marc Parry. 
The Guardian. Being a "Long Read" overview of "Britain's Gulag: The Brutal End 
of Empire in Kenya" by Caroline Elkins ( 

How could such things possibly be defended?

Wars cannot be won by such acts of 'terrorism'. The oppressor's vastly superior 
military cannot be defeated that way, but his will to continue to inflict real 
terror upon the oppressed can be sapped by the latter's ability to impose its 
own 'terror'. 'Terror' wreaked upon that former that comes to amount to " 
unacceptable damage ( 
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/05679327408448334 ) ".

The following is a most certainly banal example but the situation just above is 
like a 6ft 3in bully who fcks with you everyday. When you stomp down on his 
toe, or knee him in his balls, he cries "Foul". He may continue right then and 
there to kick your ass but he'll think twice about fckn with you the next day. 
Unacceptable damage.

Something very similar happened to me in Mobile when I was in the 9th grade. By 
that time my 4 brothers and 2 sisters were in LA. The familial force that had 
protected me left with them. There was a junior, Bobby Joe Jenkins, who would 
fck with me every day with that "Freshman” bullsht. I bought a knife with the 
money I made from the Fri night bingo games taking tickets. When he came up to 
me, I pulled it out opening it as I did so.

A girl cousin, who was a senior, walked past me and in a hushed whisper hissed, 
"Put the knife away" and went on. When I saw her coming I thought she was gonna 
tell the asshole to leave me alone. But she, part of our 'better' (wealthier) 
relatives, was more concerned about someone seeing the knife thus embarrassing 
her. I never forgave her for that though she really had no choice. She was 
raised by parents every bit the same. You've seen them. You know them. Folks 
who pray louder above all congregants yet leave out of church bypassing an 
unfortunate's outstretched hand while either casting an aspersive glance or, 
worse, not seeing him at all.

Her reaction and her parentage are very much akin to the Arab recriminations of 
the 7th of Hamas. They had no choice but to follow in lock step behind the head 
roosters in their middle-eastern hen house--their Saudi 'big brother', and his 
shadowy Uncle--when this was exactly the time to call the Zionists out on the 
ethnic cleansing of the West Bank (to a large extent waged by settlers (armed 
Israeli civilians)); to demand back the long-term seizure of the Golan; to 
cease the all-but daily military incursions into Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran; 
and, above all, to immediately begin to recompense the destruction, the 
horrors, of the open air prison camp that is the Gaza. As an aside, Why is no 
one calling for the Israeli's to 100% recompense the horrors of the 
devastations wreaked? Not just the physical plant destroyed but the lives 

In all probability, Bobby Joe might have been slashed and then proceeded to 
beat the 35lbs of weight difference out of me. But he would have been marked 
for the rest of his life and every time he caught glimpse of that scar he'da 
been reminded of me. He never bothered me again. Such is the power of the 
powerless, the ability to mete out a response capable of dispensing, measure 
for measure, unacceptable damage. 2

With total subjugation, the power of the oppressor over the oppressed is 
absolute. And it is its very unlimited nature that is its limit. The 
freedom-fighters motto could be "We know what you can do to us but you have no 
idea what we will be able to do to you" for the oppressed can learn and learn 
quickly the ways of the conqueror's terror; for his 'terror' is the 
instillation of the same fear into the own-shadow of the overlord such that he 
can't tell whether the shade following him is that of his own or that of the 
last thing his eyes won't ever see.

"...lost in all the focus on terrorism, is that the episodic terrorism employed 
by the slave is used in rebellion against the constant terrorism enforced by 
the slaveholders’ violence. It is the element of rebellion against oppression 
that is the vital factor." 3

The psychopath wreaks havoc and commits terror for its own sake. His actions 
and his motivation are the same. The occupier wreaks havoc and commits terror 
for the sake of establishing and maintaining dominance over the other for his 
own benefit. The freedom fighter, when necessitated, commits 'terror' for the 
sake of a goal, liberation from domination. Faced with an asymmetry of martial 
abilities, he has no option, no other choice. With no apologies to 

1 Here, terror and terrorism are counterposed to 'terror' and 'terrorism' (with 
quotes). The former are acts of a colonial power seeking to maintain domination 
of the subjugated's political arena and economies. The latters, are acts of war 
aimed at the dissolution of the colonial rule.

2(James) Clerk Maxwell, when he entered the Academy, was somewhat rustic and 
somewhat eccentric. Boys called him ‘Dafty,’ and used to try to make fun of 
him. On one occasion I remember he turned with tremendous vigour, with a kind 
of demonic force, on his tormentors. I think he was let alone after that, and 
gradually won the respect even of the most thoughtless of his schoolfellows." 

3Private email from a comrade, 2-1-24.

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