As soon as I have the tests working (all pass). I will implement CruiseControl (continuous integration tool) on mdarad. All test cases are of course welcome. Since it is hard to test the code generation before it is actually generated, I suggest that we do both the following:

- generate as many tests as possible (a part of it is done today)
- make manual test cases for our functionalities that we can checkin under petstore/srcTest (which we can include in the generator afterwards)

This implies that once cruise control is installed, there should be no check in without launching a manual call to a continuous integration ant target (that I will complete) that will - Get mdarad-framework, mdarad-genapp, andromda-webapp, dataisland primitives from RCS in empty folder (will delete it first)
- Recompile all
- Generate a petstore application
- Delete petstore database
- Create petstore database
- Populate petstore database
- Deploy petstore in Jboss (ear) and in tomcat (war)
- Launch all tests for petstore(generated and not) and other applications if we ever have any :)

If any of these test fails, the developer should not check in his files before fixing the problem. For example, if a test fails, the developer which is about to check in must go correct this test before checking in. Then he relaunches the complete build and reiterates all is succesful.

In addition to this, CruiseControl will launch this build every night. If succesful (and it should always be), it will also generate a code coverage report and label the version in CVS. CruiseControl will also launch the build after checkins have been made (he waits 15 minutes of idle time to make sure all checkins are done). This means that if someone breaks the build, we will know quite quickly who (so he can fix it).

Any comments? Objections?

I'll try to put this in place this weekend.


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