It's all lovely stuff. You can't help but tap your feet and chuckle.
If you don't know what those young kids are listening to at their discotheques, 
you should have a listen to this one. I think it might make the "always 
consider buying" list! I guess I'm kind of hoping that people's interest wanes 
a little so I can get ahead - that's probably wrong of me isn't it?
simpler, more efficient and quieter than it's prop cousins, this thing's sure 
to be a hit.
Don't expect anything but fun from this movie - sit down and enjoy.
With a learning Bayesian filter this has the ability to grow with spam 
challenges. Gotta run - it'll increase my score! It's funny, well written, well 
filmed, excellently acted.
I know I'll take flack for it - but I liked it. Well we tried this one out and 
found it a delicious light slightly fruity wine. These tiny little guys provide 
decent processing power, battery life, and a whole host of opportunities for 
you. It's all lovely stuff. Even better there's a nice whistling line you're 
going to find it hard to forget, and not to imitate! I cannot stand the concept 
of ads on something I paid for - but worse to lock the disc so you can't escape 
ASSP is a SMTP proxy server that kills spam before it gets delivered into your 
standard SMTP gateway.
Gotta run - it'll increase my score!
It's so easy to get lost in this song when you hear it.
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