You're asking the wrong people - this public mailing list is for the MediaWiki 
You need to contact InterceptRadio if you want information removed from their 
According to  they have this 
email address:
You could also try sending a PM to an administrator on this 

Hope this helps,
Alex M

On 06/09/12 18:39, Elisabeth T-M wrote:

Dear Media Wiki:

I found your page associated with

InterceptRadio has posted the full name and address of my daughter--with a
map to our home--apparently after trawling the information at the FCC
website (Federal Communications Commission) for licensed amateur radio

I want to know how I can have this page permanently deleted:

Two years ago, I changed my daughter's address at the FCC website, but
InterceptRadio has not updated.  FCC has initiated a huge privacy problem,
and with no regard for children, by posting personal information that used
to be archived on paper.  However, InterceptRadio is compounding the problem
by capturing that information, archiving it on the Internet, failing to
update it, adding maps to people's homes, and failing to provide any control
for the individual.

I also want to ask that InterceptRadio post prominent contact information to
let people demand deletion of such records.

Thank you to everyone on the list for your help.

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