Don't see why not, but here is .htaccess file in the /images directory:

Options -Indexes <-----Made no difference when removed.
# Protect against bug 28235
<IfModule rewrite_module>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \.[^\\/:*?\x22<>|%]+(#|\?|$) [nocase]
        RewriteRule . - [forbidden]

# Serve HTML as plaintext, don't execute SHTML
AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php
# No php execution in the upload area
php_admin_flag engine off

On 1/21/2013 20.26, Richard wrote:
In article <>,
     Steve VanSlyck <> writes:

I ask because the image does upload but won't display on the wiki and
when I click the filename I am told, "You don't have permission to
access /w/images/f/f0/Filename.jpg on this server." Permission of that
directory is 755 and permission of that file is 644.

On 1/21/2013 19.58, Steve VanSlyck wrote:
Correct permissions for the images directory?
Is the web server configured to serve the directory where images are

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