Hi Pedro, Hackteria is a wiki unaffiliated with the Wikimedia projects, so
your login from Wikipedia won't work.  It appears they've disabled
registration entirely for the wiki.  You could contact whoever runs the
site and ask for an account; MediaWiki does have a feature to allow you to
email another user if you're logged in, but only if they also set an email
address, which I would guess is unlikely here, given that the post you're
looking at was created almost 10 years ago.  You may be on your own for
your project, unfortunately. :-(


On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 12:51 PM Pedro D'Luca <looterj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey, me and my friends are doing a school ending project based on a post
> from hackteria, so we need help from the guy who make the original post and
> project, but I'm failing trying to make contact with him because my login
> is not working on that post.
> So if you could help us, it's gonna be grateful for us cause is the most
> important thing to do for finishing the school and we get anxiety and
> interested on the idea. Here the link post
> https://hackteria.org/wiki/DIY_Sterlisation_Hood
> Thanks, Pedro D'Luca
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