Short urls are for viewing normal pages. Other actions like edit, along
with other entry points like api.php or load.php (static css and js)
continue to use long urls. Load.php is critical for site css. If you want
to save a site using wget you will have to save the load.php requests too.

Some javascript/css may get loaded dynamically when the user does certain
actions in the interface and thus not be caught by wget (however this does
not sound like your main issue). Things should degrade gracefully without
javascript, but of course the css is important.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, nh905ml--- via MediaWiki-l <> wrote:

> I have a few inactive MediaWiki sites currently running 1.26.4 that I want
> to convert to static HTML.  As a first step, I enabled short URLs using the
> instructions at
>  The site I am working on was originally in  I
> moved the 'dm' folder to 'w'.  In the root folder, I added the following
> line to .htaccess in the document root which contains both the 'w' and 'dm'
> folders.
>   RewriteRule ^/?dm(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]
> The site loaded fine when accessed as  I then
> updated LocalSettings.php using 'dm' as a replacement for 'wiki':
> $wgScriptPath = "/w";
> $wgArticlePath = "/dm/$1";
> I purged the cache by truncating the MySQL objectcache.  When I access
>, the site appears to load properly.  However, I
> noticed a lot of references to /w:
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&
> amp;lang=en&amp;modules=mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%2Cshared%7Cmediawiki.
> sectionAnchor%7Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%7Cskins.
> vector.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=vector" />
> <script async src="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=
> startup&amp;only=scripts&amp;skin=vector"></script>
> There are other references to /w and // for links such as
> 'edit', 'search', and 'talk' but those will be deleted anyway.
> I downloaded the site using wget and the instructions at
>  When I uploaded the static HTML
> files to a web server and displayed the first page, it lacked stylesheets -
> they had been downloaded to a 'w' folder as:
> load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=mediawiki.action.view.
> filepage%7Cmediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%2Cshared%
> 7Cmediawiki.sectionAnchor%7Cmediawiki.skinning.content.
> externallinks%7Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%7Cskins.monobook.styles&only
> The browser failed with a 404 when trying to access the following in the
> static index.html:
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../w/load.php?debug=
> false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%
> 252Cshared%257Cmediawiki.sectionAnchor%257Cmediawiki.skinning.content.
> externallinks%257Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%257Cskins.
> monobook.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=monobook" />
> I tried renaming the various "load.php?..." files to "load.html" and
> "load2.html", then updating index.html to point to them.  The loadx.html
> files load successfully but there is another load.php reference that I have
> not found yet, and lots in the other wiki pages.
> Am I missing something obvious?  I found additional .htaccess Rewrite
> rules in
> Page_Title_--_.htaccess but these appear apply if I am trying to run the
> wiki from
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