Hi Birgit and team,

I really appreciate this effort and congratulations on the wonderful
results. After having checked the links in the mail, all my open questions
are answered except for one:

Is there a mechanism to flag tickets that need a review? From the
description in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/3144/
one gets the impression that this is on halt.

All the best

Moritz (physikerwelt)

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 8:52 PM Birgit Müller <bmuel...@wikimedia.org>

> Hi All,
> Welcome to the monthly MediaWiki Insights email!
> Enable more people to know MediaWiki and contribute effectively
> In the last MW insights email
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Product_Insights/Reports/October_2023>
> we shared more about our approach to helping people contribute
> effectively to MediaWiki
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Product_Insights/Contributor_retention_and_growth>.
> A few interesting data points:
> The number of contributors to MediaWiki core who have more than > 5
> patches continued to grow: We just hit for the first time the goal of 20%
> since the start of the Foundation’s fiscal year in July, compared to the
> July-November time period last year. This is exciting to see - now it’s
> about keeping the momentum and continuing on that path.
> Many thanks to all the people who have contributed to MediaWiki core!
> The average and median time to first review for patches in MediaWiki core
> decreased significantly in the period July 1st to Nov 30 compared to the
> same time period one year earlier.
>    - Average time to first review dropped from previously 16.5 days to
>    4.5 days
>    - Median time to first review dropped from previously 1.2 days to 0.6
>    days
> Many thanks to all the code reviewers of MediaWiki core patches!
> Keep in mind that this data is only one data point. There are many factors
> that play into the experience of contributors; a helpful comment may be
> more relevant than a fast +1/-1, etc.
> Over the past weeks, we have been spending some time with planning
> initiatives to further support people in onboarding and contributing to
> MediaWiki:
>    - We are preparing for a WMF internal MediaWiki code jam in December
>    to try out a few things and focus specifically on the needs of teams.
>    - One thing we wanted to test in practice at the code jam is the “MediaWiki
>    Quick Install <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T347347>” guide. This
>    has been a collaboration between the Tech Docs team and the MediaWiki
>    Platform team - you can find the latest version of this experiment here:
>    https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Local_development_quickstart
>    - We discussed a possible focus project in the next quarter on
>    improving first time MediaWiki (core) contributors’ experience. We’re
>    exploring a few simple, small ideas that we could implement/try out in the
>    next quarter (ticket follows!).
> Project snapshot: Analysis of MediaWiki execution timings, fixing issues
> with logging in on Mobile, progress on RESTBase deprecation and more!
> Performance: Piotr and Timo conducted an analysis of MediaWiki execution
> timings <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T350593> and identified areas
> for improvement. One of the fixes promises a 50ms improvement
> <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T351807>! Timo and Derick worked on
> bagOStuff improvements <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T336004> (cache
> layer), shipped on MW-1.42. This work aims to lower the barriers for
> contributors by making interfaces leaner and more intuitive and is reducing
> storage access cost from 10ms to ~1 ms. Thank you for your work!
> More highlights:
> MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase now automatically tracks what database tables
> get touched during the integration test, removing the need for developers
> to keep track (T342301 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T342301>). Many
> thanks to Daimona and others for their work on this!
> Work towards PHP 8.2 support continues, with one helpful outcome being a
> new DynamicPropertyTestHelper feature (T326466
> <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T326466>). Many thanks to TK-999 and
> all reviewers!
> Gergö worked on solving a variety of problems with logging in on mobile
> (see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T257852#9347008 and below). Many
> thanks to Gergö and everyone who provided support!
> RESTBase sunset: Wikifeeds now calls the Parsoid endpoint in MediaWiki
> core rather than RESTBase. Many thanks to Yiannis and Daniel for their hard
> work on making this happen! Cxserver is preparing a deployment to the
> same soon
> <https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/deployment-charts/+/977983/> 
> (thank
> you, Language team!).
> Upcoming:
> There is an OutputTransform
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsoid/OutputTransform> pipeline that is
> being introduced to replace ParserOutput::getText(). This pipeline
> initially targets content that comes from the ParserCache before it is
> rendered (as a 1:1 getText() equivalent ). The team is likely going to
> introduce another layer of cacheability of this output so that we can store
> richer canonical Parsoid content and use this pipeline to transform it for
> final rendering. Many thanks to Isabelle, CScott and Daniel for this work
> in progress (Gerrit:967449
> <https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/967449>)!
> As one puzzle piece of our product research efforts and platform design
> explorations, Moriel and others have been working on mapping high level
> essential user workflows such as edit and patrol against platform
> components to explore workflow patterns and potential architectural
> opportunities in the platform. One outcome of this is going to be to
> describe the key challenges when trying to model our system. Many thanks to
> Moriel for leading on this work, and Daniel, Timo, Subbu, James, Cindy,
> Emanuele and Amir S for their support, great questions and ideas!
> Up next: Presentations at Semantic MediaWikiCon
> Semantic MediaWikiCon
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023#Program> is
> coming up, virtual and in person from Dec 11-13. We shared about the
> updates to the rdbms library in the last MW Insights email - if you want to
> learn more about this work, check out Amir’s presentation at Semantic
> MediaWikiCon
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/Major_changes_on_interfaces_of_MediaWiki_rdbms_library>!
> Subbu and C.Scott are also going to give their yearly update on the
> parser unification work
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/Updates_from_the_Wikitext_Parsing_world>,
> Chris will be talking about Codex
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/Codex,_the_Design_System_for_Wikimedia>,
> and Stef about automated testing for complex MediaWiki topologies
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/Automated_Testing_for_Complex_Mediawiki_Topologies>.
> Since the theme of this edition is MediaWiki in the age of AI, Mike will be
> presenting on the recent experiences with the experimental Wikipedia
> ChatGPT plugin
> <https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/The_Wikipedia_ChatGPT_plugin>.
> Keynote speaker of this years’ Semantic MediaWikiCon is Markus Krötsch
> <https://www.korrekt.org/page/Short_biography>.
> That’s the last insights email for 2023. The deployment train pauses for
> the end of the year break, and so does the monthly MW Insights email!
> We’ll be following up with a double-edition in January.
> Thanks all for reading,
> Birgit
> --
> Birgit Müller (she/her)
> Director of Product, MediaWiki and Developer Experiences
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
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