0> In article <201002162117.13424.ed...@billiau.net>,
0> Liz <URL:mailto:ed...@billiau.net> ("Liz") wrote:

Liz> I am using Geotagged photos for my road names, POIs etc

Yep, me too.

Liz> So I select the photo, look at the picture, make new node and now
Liz> rather than just have no focus on the photo, it is gone, and not
Liz> merely gone but I can't easily return to it so I can page up or
Liz> page down to get to the next

Yes, I find this annoying.  It's not so bad for roads, because the image
isn't removed when a way or relation is selected, but for nodes, it's a

I sometimes have an editor open alongside if there's too much on the
photo to reliably remember - that may help you.

At some point, the image dock was changed to not lose your place when a
photo is deselected, so a quick press of PageUp then PageDown (or vice
versa) should get you back to the picture (but deselect your new node).
That's what I end up doing quite a bit.  Not ideal, I agree.  :-|

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