On 11/11/10 01:36, Jerome Glisse wrote:
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Russell Shaw<rjs...@netspace.net.au>  wrote:
I compiled mesa from sources.

In mesa/src/driclient/src/XF86dri.c, if i use the
api to make a drawable, how can i find the buffer
pixel format?

See my other reply on the wayland mailing list but i think you are
trying to achieve somethings that we could not recommand. As i already
said dri is intented to be an api btw 2 part of the same driver, at no
time it was designed to allocate buffer for general use and there is
no way to allocate buffer in hw independant maner.

If you really would like to be able to do direct pixel banging on
buffer that can the be use by the GPU (i guess use case here is for
wayland) i think you would need to build a library that can provide an
API and have backend for each GPU we care about (amd,intel,nvidia).
Such library could be an add on to the drm one and likely leave in the
same repository.

I can do all the openVG/GL stuff without a gpu. Because there
is an ever increasing number of embedded micros with GPUs, there
is less need to emulate a GPU-less system. Therefore, i'll increase
my minimum requirements.
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