Hi all,

One things I realized during the migration is that end users generally
cannot edit labels on an issue[1] and there is no component selection

So we end up with a bunch of changes:

1) Bugs come in without labels
2) People are not consistently fixing up labels for issues
3) Labels are not sent in email updates, prompting some IRC talk of
adding the component in the titles already to make email filters work.

While having email filtering work completely would be awesome I think
my biggest issue here "ownership". When a bug came into the radv
bugzilla component I took some ownership of managing it. e.g. bugs
with a wrong component get moved, taking an initial stab at a fix etc.

My fear would be that we don't consistently triage new bugs and that a
number of them don't end up on anyone's radar. Contrary to MRs, where
I expected most of them to be made by long-time developers, bugs tend
to be filed by people who are not really affiliated with mesa and I
feel the effect is probably stronger.

Has anybody put any though in how to best manage things here? e.g.
some process, or do we want some form of automatic labeling, or is my
concern overblown?

- Bas

[1] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/permissions.html
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